Has anyone else out there had a majorly odd reaction to corn post-op?

My husband (back from Iraq, yay!), son, and I are in Orlando, visiting our families and doing the Disney/tourist thing (I fit on all the rides, even the kiddie ones with my son, YAY!)and last night my dad wanted to cook us dinner. He asked me if I had any preferences, to which I replied, "Oh, I can eat anything...BUT I tend to stick more to meat and veggies for dinners..." He laughed about how that was easy enough and proceeded to cook dinner. The family and I were watching a Friends rerun until he called us down to eat. We bounced into the kitchen, and lo and behold: grilled chicken, salad, mashed potatoes, and fresh corn on the cob, straight from my dad's backyard! (funny how to my dad, a newfound bachelor, "veggies" consist of potatoes and corn!!!) Anyway, I'm 8 months post-op and had yet to try corn, so I figured, "Awwww, my dad went through all this trouble and he even picked the corn from his garden, it would be rude not to have a couple bites..." And so I chomped down...(and I'll add in what all I ate, since I've noticed a couple recent questions asking people approx. 8 months post-op how much they can eat) I ate about a third of a good-sized chicken breast, about a cup of salad with cucumber (I picked out the tomatoes, don't like 'em) with balsamic vinegar and a drizzling of extra virgin olive oil, a bite of mashed potatoes, and half of a half of a cob of corn. (or a quarter of a large cob) It was all very good and kept me full the rest of the night (We ate at 7:30). So, this morning I got up, RAGINGLY hungry, and surprised because I generally have to force myself to choke something down for breakfast. Then, as I'm eating, I feel a tiny, hard knot in the back of my throat...long story short, I kind of "work" the lump out by a combination of half swallowing and throat contractions until it ends up in my mouth. I spit it in my hand and it's a corn kernel. If it only happened that one time, I wouldn't have really focused on it-but 3 hours later, I've had 19 corn kernels work their way up that same way...I don't feel sick or bad, and I'm not vomiting or throwing up, just "working" corn kernels up...(best way I can explain it.) Has anyone else had such a weird turnout from eating corn?    — jenn_jenn (posted on April 22, 2004)

April 22, 2004
Next time chew more thoroughly. That's the only explanation I can give.. I don't know why it wasn't digested, and where the corn has been hanging out, but if you chew it to death, it sure can't come up whole,lol. Take care and congrats on getting your hubby back from Iraq. Yay for you!
   — SarahC

April 22, 2004
My doctor told me that corn was one of those forbidden foods that we are not aloud to eat. My doctor said that corn along with celery are extremely hard to digest plus there is really nothing nutrition wise in them.
   — Amina K.

April 22, 2004
Corn kernals are really tough to digest (even before I had LAP RNY). The few times I've eaten them since, I've had to make sure I really, really chewed well or they come back up every time.
   — Cathy S.

April 23, 2004
Just to reiterate what some of the other posters have dr. told me that corn is not on my list of acceptable foods any more (along with celery and fresh coconut). Your new and improved stomach just cannot digest it quick enough. As for the rest of your meal...sounds like you are doing a really good job with your food intake (quantity and quality). Keep up the good work! Open RNY 09/02 -150lbs.
   — Carole J.

April 23, 2004
I hate to be gross, but maybe this is why CORN is one of the few things that occassionally comes out very much like it went in, if you know what I mean :) <br><br> I mean, I used to decorate cakes in a bakery (I know, talk about an obesity set-up:) and we made "Poop Cakes" as a joke - a we decorated them with bits of paper and nuts and CORN! LOL
   — kultgirl

April 23, 2004
One of the other reasons we should never eat corn is becaise the skins on a kernal are almost impossable to chew up small enough to pass through our new openings. I don't know about anyone else but I for one do not want to end up in the hospital with a tube down my throught because I ate something my Dr. said was a no no.
   — mlovesh

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