Does anyone know of a good liquid multi-vitamin?

I'm currently taking Symtec Liquid Multi-Vitamin but I would like to know what other GOOD alternatives there are. I see all the products listed on the web..but the advertising is a bit "cure-all". Any info would be helpful. Thanks! Sue    — SJP (posted on April 8, 2004)

April 8, 2004
I am post op open revision RNY (done 3/31/04)Centrum now makes adult chewable vitamins..I am using those. hey are very complete. There aren't any good tasting liquid vitamins but Centrum makes a liquid prep......I get my chewable adult Centrum vitamins at Wal MArt...reasonable
   — Lisa P.

April 8, 2004
If you go to they have a liquid multi vitamin. I ordered all my chewable vitamins from there, they are extremely cheap, and have just what we need!
   — deivaasmom

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