almost 3 years out

tonight for dinner I was able to eat a pint of Chinese shrimp lo maine in about an 1/2 hour. Is this too much to eat at one time, should I be eating more or less. I have not gain any weight, 310, now weight 165 and happy. Thanks guys for you input.    — Rebe W. (posted on April 8, 2004)

April 7, 2004
If you aren't still trying to lose weight and you just want to maintain where you are then I think you're fine to eat what you want - as long as you keep an eye on your weight to make sure that you aren't gaining. Of course, eating sensibly will never be out of fashion so while it may be ok to splurge occasionally, for your overall health you need to maintain the good habits that came from the surgery. Hope this helps. Congratulations on your success!!
   — Etta M.

April 8, 2004
We have the exact same stats!! I am just over 2 years out, though. I have found I can eat most anything - and in normal portions - except meats like roast beef. And, every so often I eat too fast and I pay dearly for it! I am very worried about regain, so I weigh myself weekly to monitor how I'm doing. I try to fit some exercise in, but I am running with work and the kids (single mom) from the time I wake up til bedtime, so there's very little chance to exercise, except on weekends. I just try to make wise food choices, lean more toward protein. I do eat sweets from time to time and admit that I still beat myself up over it. It's a daily thing - fighting regain! I am scheduled for a TT in 2 weeks, so that'll cause some temporary changes in my eating habits. I'm sure you're doing fine. Just monitor yourself and make try to make the best food choices each day.
   — Mary W.

April 8, 2004
I was told to limit meals to 1 to 1.5 cups total. it depends on what I am eating, Meat 1/2 c is more than I can handle. salad, friut, raw veggies - I can eat a real lot, certainly 1.5 c at a time.
   — **willow**

April 8, 2004
Rebe ~ Like you, some days I can eat much larger portions than others. I just ate a huge bowl of Chinese Sesame Pork & noodles and it was yummy! I think the noodles are really easy to digest and we're able to consume more because of it. Like the others, as long as you're maintaining your weight goal, then you are doing great!! Congrats on your tremendous success~ Open RNY 1/3/03 330/163 and happy too!
   — chelle3081

April 8, 2004
Some days I can eat everything in sight. Others, very litte. Depends on what it is, I suppose. Rebecca 10/03/01
   — RebeccaP

April 9, 2004
Rebe 3 Years OUT! It is wonderful to hear from someone who is still maintaining their original objectives after 3 years. Though I am a novice compared to you, I find that noodles/pasta seems (one of the bad foods if we consume too much) have less trouble going down. But what I do is eat a serving and call it quits after that. Of course, I think an extra portion is not a bad thing, but certainly you don't want it to become a habit. GOOD LUCK TO YOU AND THANKS FOR LETTING US KNOW THAT LONG-TERM RESULTS CAN BE - LOL
   — Anna M.

April 13, 2004
I just wanted to let you know I will be 3 years in July and I can eat alot more food than I ever thought I could. Ex. 2 pieces of chicken legs or leg and breast, plus veggies and rice or something. However if I eat a sandwich I can't eat too much with it. I also do drink when I eat, I always have if I don't I would get sick. I have talked to my doctor and he said it was ok. Plus I had an upper GI series to see if I had stretched but all is fine. Which I am thankful for. Good luck.
   — DENISE B.

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