Anyone after 2/3 yrs have problems digesting foods?

It stated with just mild chocking when lying down for bed.Now whenever i eat anything it stays in the top of my stomach almost 24 hours before digesting. I am misreble and can't sleep,woork or anything.And i has bad gas...really bad.It hurts and stretches my stomach.I've been to the doctos and they don't know whats wrong? Anyone experience these problems?    — sauniee (posted on April 4, 2004)

April 4, 2004
Have you been scoped? UGI? Any of those tests to follow the course of test "food"? Checked for staple line disruption?
   — vitalady

April 4, 2004
I don't know if this is any help or not, but I was the same way 6 weeks ago. My dietician had me cut out all fresh fruit, all raw vegetables, up the calories (I was only eating about 700 per day) some dairy and to look at how many vitamins I am still taking. I was overdosing myself on vitamins. I am now only taking a multivitamin and calcium, Fit day is showing me how much of the vitamins I am really getting from my food. I was not sure if she was crazy or what, but I now eat hardly any fresh fruit (I eat fruit cocktail instead), very little rav veggies and not much dairy. I have so much less gas and am having bowel movements on a regular basis. I will not eat this way forever, but my gas has reduced by 90% and my family is so thankful for that. Hope this may help you.
   — colers

April 7, 2004
Is this constant, or does it come and go? I get this every couple of months and it lasts for a few days. For me, I contribute it to something not going down right. For instance, 3 days ago I made pork chops. (the one food that gives me the most trouble) and I don't think I chewed one of the pieces well enough. I recognize this immediately and am not able to eat any more. The feeling lasted for two days. Felt like a bubble at the entrance of my pouch, where food would get 'hung up' and would take some 'settleing' to go down. That would give me that chocking feeling at bed time. Anyhow....just my experience. Rebecca 10/03/01
   — RebeccaP

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