Returning to work - tips?

I am having a full abdominoplasty in a month. It will be done on a Thursday - I plan to take the entire next week off from work and then return the following Monday. In other words, 10 days at home before going back. I am a secretary and my job is sedentary - computer work. I have very little vacation/sick time available so this is the best I can do. Can you provide tips? Tell me if I'm crazy? Is this "do-able"?? Thanks for your help!    — Mary W. (posted on March 23, 2004)

March 23, 2004
I had full abdominoplasty and belt lipectomy on Dec 22nd and went back to work on Jan 5th. I was able to do it but it was not easy. When I had laporoscopic RNY I went back to work after a week, like a fool. In retrospect 10 days is a short time. This one is much more complex then the gastric bypass. If you need any other particulars, feel free to email at [email protected]. Good luck to you.
   — Steve B.

March 23, 2004
I can't answer the question as related to plastic surgery, still waiting for that. However, when I had the gastric bypass, I also was in surgery on a Thursday, and returned to work (as a secretary) 10 days later on a Monday. I didn't have much sick/vacatio time coming, and the first week I opted to work half days. The second week I was fine working full days. Good luck with the surgery.
   — Chris S.

March 23, 2004
My TT was 3/17. Today it's been one week. I really cannot fathom going back to work in 3 days! I am very sore and tired. Do you have kids? I suppose it could be done with a supportive work environment and no responsibilities at home in the evening, but you are going to be tired girl. And not to mention the healing process requires you are going to need rest. Without giving yourself that time it is going to take your body much longer to heal properly. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope that the angels of God look over you! Melissa Lap RNY 2/10/03 282/160/135
   — RedHeadBeauty

October 26, 2004
I had my abdominoplasty on 9/21/04 and my Doc. told me to take at least 6 weeks off of work. I am a Physical Therapist though, so I do a lot of lifting. My short term disability is paying me to be off of work for 7 weeks so I am taking every bit of it. I have two more weeks to go until I return to work. I just now started working out after 5 weeks post op and I can feel it a little in my tummy. I am very aware of little twinges and don't want to overdo anything.
   — Karen A.

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