I am scheduled for a surgical consult and I was wondering if.....

I am scheduled for a surgical consult on May 12th and I know I will be required to get a psych eval and a nutritional consultation. Do you think it would be a good idea to go ahead and schedule these evaluations now? I really want to have surgery as soon as possible and I was thinking it might help to do this in advance. Have any of you tried this to speed the process along?    — Sara A (posted on March 4, 2004)

March 4, 2004
My doctor set the pace for those things. I would wait and ask him. He had everyone I needed right in his office to see the same day if necessary.
   — Peggy Boyd

March 4, 2004
It seems like most Surgeons used the same person for the psych eval because they are looking for answers to certain questions. My Dr has a special nutrition class set up at the hospital where he does surgery and if you have to travel to your appointment it seems like most will give like an all day appointment to get all the required labs and x-rays and whatever done. I did however go in with copies of every lab and x-ray result I had done in the last year to show my surgeon and some were test that he didn't need to repeat because it had only been a few months since I had them done. My PCP ran alot of labs and x-rays and sent me to specialist before he would OK his release for surgery he just wanted to be sure everything he could do was checked out first. Good Luck to you...Nancy
   — nefish

March 4, 2004
I waited on those things and it delayed my surgery date because all of the psychs. and nutritionists were so booked in my area,that it took awhile to get an appointment..
   — jennifer A.

March 4, 2004
If you have a psych that you either visit or know people that visit them and trust them you could schedule the psych evaluation. However, your surgeon may have a nutritionist that they work with, so I would hold off on that. E-mail me if you have any questions. [email protected] Kelly
   — Kelly T.

March 7, 2004
My surgeone required the psych eval and nutritional consult prior to scheduling my consult with him. I had to gather all my medical records and get a referral for the wls prior also. Then when I saw the surgeon, everything was there for him to submit for preapproval with my insurance.
   — Carolyn B.

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