7mo post op, still can't vomit

I have been able to throw up in the past when I was sick - not by making myself, I mean just normally when the body required it. Since surgery, I've had many bouts of nausea and times when I know I'd feel better if it would just come out (and it seemed like it would want to). But all I get are dry heaves. And I have tried sticking my finger down my throat to force it. No luck. Have I forever lost the ability to throw up when I'm sick and the bod goes for it? Why? What issues will this present down the road?    — Calleigh Q. (posted on February 27, 2004)

February 27, 2004
I was never able to vomit pre-op. Think I threw up 2x in my entire adult life. Since surgery, I only vomited 2x and both times was in the first month. Some people don't vomit easily. But believe me, if you get a stomach vircus, your body will do whatever it takes.
   — mrsmyranow

February 27, 2004
You know I have this same question. I've never been able to vomit, other then a few times when just liquid came up. I'm 2 years out now. I sometimes get nauseated and gag, but thats it. I wonder what would happen if I were to catch a stomach virus or something. The only danger that I could foresee is if I get something on my stomach that I need to hurry and expel. I guess the only thing I can do is wait and see.
   — Lisa N M.

February 27, 2004
I thought I was the only one who has not vomited! I am only 3 months out, but everyone I have talked to has vomited, Glad to know I am not alone!
   — Sarah J.

February 27, 2004
Someone on another board said this had to do with the muscle that is around the diaphram that when they do the surgery they sometimes cut this muscle. Does anyone know that this is true? And can you explain it further?
   — jenafwife

February 27, 2004
I guess I am the odd one here, or should I say lucky. I have never thrown up since my surgery, or had the need to.
   — Jazzy

February 27, 2004
Hiya Calliegh, I am soon-to-be 36 months post op. I cannot vomit, no matter how bad I have wanted to at times. I'm not sure what has caused this, didn't have a problem preop. I don't have a surgeon to ask about it, but when I go to visit my pcp about hernias I'm going to ask him. It really hasn't been an issue, I don't get sick with stomach flu much. The only time recently I wanted to vomit is when I had eaten some oatmeal with too much splenda on it and it made me very ill. I had dry heaves for almost 30 minutes. Best wishes to you hon (((hugs))) and smiles =)))
   — DebPKansas

February 29, 2004
I thought this just had happened to me!! I've not been able to throw up either since surgery. I'm over 2 years post-op and it seems like there isn't enough "lift" in the stomach to push it up.
   — Patty H.

March 2, 2004
I am a little over a year post-op and since surgery I also am not able to get anything up. Like others mentioned, I have felt like I needed to, but never have. I did get a stomach flu once and had dry heaves ALL NIGHT LONG but nothing ever came up. Pretty weird!
   — J H.

March 2, 2004
myself am grateful that I can no longer vomit. I had a real rough time my first month or so post op and vomited non stop. In my second month I progressed to dry heaves with almost every meal. Now I can't do either even if I want to. My entire life I have been a "vomiter" and now nothing!!! Melissa 3 months post op 314/224/150
   — mlovesh

March 2, 2004
WOW!! I'm so glad you asked this question, I thought I was the only one who could not vomit. I have BAD dry heaves and gag but I can not get anything up. Once I hurt so bad and I just knew if I could get it up and out I'd feel better but no such luck. I had to suffer for hours and my DH was thisclose to taking me to the ER. Its no fun at all. I wish I knew why. ~Sidney~ OPen RNY 10-23-02 down 130+ and below goal
   — Siddy I.

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