What are these weird noises that my stomache is making & how can they stop?

I am about 15 months post op from my Lap RNY. The problem I'm having is that when I eat or drink at the beginning of the day, that will trigger an all day series of strange burp like noises from my stomach. This started a few months ago. The noises are not burps but it feels like this noise is starting in my stomach & working its way up my esophogus (maybe?) finally ending with some weird gurgling burpy noises coming from my mouth. I do my best to hide the noises but I'm only kidding myself. Everyone can hear this. My friend's 3 yr old daughter called me on it (cause kids are blunt like that) and I need it to stop. I take 2 Pepcid's every morning. I'm not eating anything "wrong" it's just eating or drinking anything - even water makes this happen. It's getting hard because I'm ' burping' in everyone's face at work & I can't control it around the client's either. What can I do? I don't want to get fired for burping - and my employer doesn't know about my WLS - I told them I have very bad acid reflux.    — KAT *. (posted on February 25, 2004)

February 25, 2004
Cool! I am not alone on this. I like to think of it as an alien not happy with what I have sent down for it to eat. : ) I will be checking your question to see if someone can shed some light on the subject.
   — Dawn B.

February 25, 2004
I have that problem.It comes out the other way. For me it is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I am still trying to figure out whats going on. I just started taking a special enzyme for Bariatric patients and some FiberCon. This has setted it a little but it still makes a ton of noise. Keisha 3/12/03 316/184/170
   — keishax

February 25, 2004
The same thing happens to me! My bf always says to stop growling at him. Or that the dinosaurs are gonna come out and eat him! I have had this for almost a year now and it does not go away no matter what I try. If you get any answers that can help please email me to tell me about it! Good luck.
   — Melissa P.

February 26, 2004
I'm only 1 month out and it happens to me like crazy! It's so embarassing! The nurse practictioner at my dr.'s office told me it would go away soon, but my friend told me she's had it for over a year. It drives me crazy, I just hate it! I've tried mylanta and gas-x with absolutely no help.
   — Deirdre M.

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