Will I still be eligible for surgery?

I had my gall bladder removed 12 years ago. Now after I eat I have cramps and urgent diarrhea. Will this make me ineligilbe for surgery? Has anyone else experienced this? Did surgery make it worse, better or no change? Thanks for the info.    — T H. (posted on February 21, 2004)

February 20, 2004
I had the same thing happen to me after gall bladder surgery. It did not even figure into having WLS. In fact, since my surgery, it has cleared itself up! Good luck to you on your journey.
   — Linda S.

February 20, 2004
Hello I had my GB out seveal yrs ago b-4 I had it out if I ate anything greasy I got very sick threw up had cramps and diareea also was told afterI had it removedthat would stop it did not stop untill I had WLS but now that Ive had WLS I do not eat fried or greasy foodsso WLS did help it Take Care Huggs Beth
   — wildbrat

February 20, 2004
My answer is pretty much the same as the others. I had my gallbladder out 10 years ago and dumped if I ate greasy foods or had not eaten in several hours. After WLS I also don't eat greasy fried foods. I hear other ppl talk about dumping and thats what happend to me before surgery. If I overeat now my heart races and stomach hurts but no dumping.
   — jenafwife

February 21, 2004
Interesting. I had my gallbladder removed 5 years ago. Before it was removed I got sick when I ate greasy foods. They told me I might have to avoid greasy foods after surgery, but I've never had a single problem.
   — antiques55

February 21, 2004
Sounds like irritable bowel syndrome or possibly it is irritable bowel diesease (IBD). I have microscopic colitis which is an IBD. I finally was able to have open RNY after my diarrhea was resolved and the doctor felt that I would not be at risk for problems with additional malabsorbtion. You need to get to the bottom of why you are having cramps and urgent diarrhea. It could be dangerous for you to have surgery because of the malabsorbtion issue. I had my gall bladder out 13 years ago and never had what you are having now because of it. I think there is something else going on with you right now. It may delay your surgery being done for a while like it did mine, I had to wait one extra year until the doctors found out what was wrong with me. I had the surgery and have not had a lick of urgent diarrhea in close to a year. But now I really have to keep attuned to my body and make sure that I do not have a flare up of my colitis because I could have a nutritional problem. Good luck.
   — ChristineB

February 21, 2004
I was like that, too, off and on. Turned out to be lactose intolerance, but I wasn't giving up my moo for anything! But since my surgeon forbids it, it's been 9.5 yrs since I've had milk. OR the cramping and violent run down the hall.
   — vitalady

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