How do I get a doctor's follow-up care if I have WLS in Mexico?

I am considering going to Dr. Aguirre in Mexico to self pay and have my WLS. One of my concerns is followup care. Is it legal and ethical for my PCP to perform my follow-up care? I've read stories of others not being able to get good follow-up care because their PCP didnt want to take on another's responsibility. Do I need to come home with my medical records? Can I pay for a nutritionists' service on this same basis? Can either legally deny me follow up care?    — weluvtv (posted on February 18, 2004)

February 18, 2004
Tammy, I went to Spain for my BPD/DS with Dr. Baltasar 19.5 months ago. Before I went my PCP was totally in the loop about what I was doing and why, and had agreed to order my post-op tests, and assume responsibility for my post-op care. She and Dr. Baltasar have "met" via correspondence, and respect one another. My PCP orders all of my labs coding to the specifics, not the secondary causes. I.e., since I have the DS, it's possible to code my labs to intestinal malabsorption - which is 100% honest, I do have intestinal malabsorption, and is also a covered benefit of my insurance. I also require periodic follow-up and labs to document my diabetes - which I was diagnosed as prior to my DS, but have had totally normal blood sugars since my DS - but according to conventional medicine - diabetes cannot be cured, so I require follow-up - that my insurance must pay for! I do take a copy of my operative report, information about my surgery, and my surgeon whenever I see a new health care practitioner. It's just a good thing to do when you have specific health needs. Here's the real heart of being a self-pay patient - you have to advocate for yourself, and having a PCP in your corner who is willing to spend a little extra time carefully thinking through the issues and coding appropriately doesn't hurt, either! Let me know if I can answer any questions, okay? Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

February 18, 2004
Tammy: I suggest that your best answers can come directly from Dr. Aguirre's patients. His message board is also on this website and the regulars who post will be quite helpful as many of them have had to address this concern.
   — antiques55

February 18, 2004
Tammy, I had surgery with Dr A in October. While my husband removed staples and tubes, my PCP is handling all bloodwork monitoring we need. It is one of the very few draw backs to pursuing the MX avenue. I know in large cities, we live in Phoenix, there were not any physicians willing to take care of the surgical afterside, however, your personal family Dr. should be able to handle the nutritional bloodwork, etc. Check out the South of the Border forum, and visit Dr. Aguirres message board. Welcome and congratulations on making the decision of your life!
   — doglover

February 18, 2004
I had my surgery done by Dr. Aguirre in Mexico. My PCP saw me before I left and has done all my follow-up care since returning. He will do lab work for me every six months, or more frequently if needed. I did have a problem with trying to find someone to remove my staples and drain. Dr. Aguirre will remove these for you before you leave if you request it. I ended up going to the emergency room at the hospital and they removed stitches and drain tube for me. It cost more than it would have if my PCP would have done it but it was taken care of.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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