How bad is surgery for hernia repair and tummy tuck?

Im 4 months postop open rny and have developed a hernia. My surgeon states I need to wait till I get to goal weight before I have it repaired and he can do my tummy tuck at the same time. Im worried about the pain and not sure exactly what I did to get this hernia and curious to know how bad it was for any of you who have had this type surgery    — loisph (posted on February 11, 2004)

February 11, 2004
Hi Lois, I am currently 5 months post-op from open rny, and I also have developed a hernia right above my belly button. My bariatric doctor will also handle the repair of the hernia and at the same time perform my tummy tuck! I am soooo excited for this, but I am also waiting a few more months to get closer to goal weight before I have this done. Maybe we can keep in touch, and talk about eachother's issues with this...... Good luck to you! Sincerely, Lisa
   — Lisa B.

February 11, 2004
I had hernia/abdominoplasty on Jan 12. but I am 40 pounds away from goal but because of severe backache and huge hernia that covered my entire abdomen, it had to be done now. I had expected to be in a lot of pain, but it was not bad at all. The pain from this was much less than from the lap RNY. I had wondered if it was because when I was obese, there was so much hanging skin to pull at the incisions, now there isn't. My Dr told me after the third surgery to expect a hernia due to being so obese, having twin pregnancy and having to be fully opened up twice. My story is in my profile. Best of luck to you Wendy
   — Wendy G.

February 11, 2004
My Surgeon thought I had a hernia, but I did'nt, so I got the TT, muscle tightening and pubic lift. I can say this hurts, but is way easier than the open RNY. My brother, father, grandma and half my aunts & uncles have had just the hernia repair and they said it was'nt too bad(but I know everyone tolerates pain different). I hope someone can help you, good luck :o)
   — Sandy M.

February 11, 2004
Well, it's five in the morning, and I am on my way to the hospital for my abdominal incisional hernia repair (he'll remove some excess skin, too). The hernia was going to wait until summer, my timeline, but it won't. Looking forward to relief from the constant pain. Wish me luck!
   — Mary Ann B.

February 11, 2004
Hello- I have a question for you guys..are all your surgeries being paid by insurance? I also have a hernia, but I was waiting until a little further out and was hoping insuarnce will cover both the hernia and tummy tuck. Do you think that is possible?
   — J O.

February 11, 2004
Well, I am 3 weeks post-op from my tt and hernia repair. I will be truthful with you, it hurt more than any surgery I have ever had including RNY 6 years ago. BUT!!!!!! Man, I would do it again in a heartbeat. I cry tears of joy when I look in the mirror. After packing all that 'junk' into my pants for 6 years, I feel as though I have a brand new body! He also cleaned up the pubic area, my crotch roll, I called it, lol, and that is still mighty sore, but again, it looks SO GOOD!!!!! I would also suggest waiting (unless the herinia prohibits this) till you are nearer your goal, or at least a year or more post-op. The reasons are; you don't want to be losing a bunch more weight after your tt, that will just result in more loose skin, and also you need to give your body a chance to build itself back up. The WLS is very taxing on you, and you are not at optimum strength for a while. That being said, GOOD LUCK!!!
   — Dawn R.

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