Has anyone ever heard of using Preparation H on your skin ?

I heard something recently that gave me a chuckle. A friend said someone had the surgery and lost over 230 lbs and did not have plastic surgery. Her skin was supposedly very supple and no surgery was required. She said the lady said she used Preparation H. Now we all know it is suppose to be for the shrinking and swelling for hemmoroidal tissues. I later heard females has been using it under their eyes for their bags and that too is suppose to work. I am assuming anything that would be gentle enough for the anal region surely would not irritate the skin...I guess I just want to know if any brave souls tried this and noticed any positive results? I am lol but serious ...    — TerryS (posted on February 4, 2004)

February 4, 2004
I use it twice a week (for about 2mo now)and put it on before bedtime. My husband and I have actually noticed a decrease in the lines im getting around my mouth (I guess they are smile lines). My friend has great skin and she claimed it was due to the cream, so I figured why not, I have tried everything else. Plus this is one of the models secrets for under the eyes. It is funny, but seems to work some :o)
   — Sandy M.

February 4, 2004
I use it everyday under my eyes and under my chin. I can actually see the difference when I don't use it, particularly under the eyes. I've been using it for quite awhile and have seen no negative side effects. I can't imagine it doing anything for large areas of skin though and it would take tons of it anyway.
   —  SCbabe B.

February 4, 2004
I heard that the formulation they sell in the US no longer has the wonderful ingrediant in it and that you have to get it from Canada. I've actually seen a spam mail before that followed those lines. To the current users-- are you using old tubes or new ones? If the new ones work, I'm on my way to the store.....
   — lessofme170

February 4, 2004
Like Diane said, it is a temporary fix for fine lines and wrinkles. Temporary...only when you use it....not gonna have lasting effects. Anyhow, if you are contemplating PS, I would assume it would be for more than fine lines and wrinkles. *wink* Think about it....if it actually 'cured' the issue, why are some people still having surgery to correct the issue this medication was intended for?
   — RebeccaP

February 4, 2004
Thanks for the responses..I was just baffled as to how someone could use the cream and "claim" not to have needed PS because of it afterall 230 lbs was alot of weight loss. As far as the eye or face treatment..if it works and ppl use it and find relief whether temporary or what they feel is long lasting...super..I'll not slam their efforts...but I just found it hard to believe about the excess skin cure. Heck if it does work...I will buy it by the truckloads... lol
   — TerryS

February 4, 2004
I had to laugh when I read this post, although I know you were at least partially serious! ;) I had heard about this from a friend - that using Prep. H was an old trick that models use. They even did a short bit on it in the Sandra Bullock movie, "Miss Congeniality." I thought they were joking! Heck, the way I figure it, cream is cream, and what's good for the *delicate* area of your backside is probably no worse for your face or anywhere else. But does it WORK? I will let you know when I get back from the drug store. :) :) :)
   — MomBear2Cubs

February 4, 2004
Hey, my daughter and daugther-in-law use it in the summer during swimsuit time on their legs for cellulite. They have used some very expensive creams made especially for that but claim the prep-h works just as well or better. Go figure. I will have to try it on my face now. (but does this make me a butt head?)
   — Mona R.

February 4, 2004
Rumor has it that the ingredient we'd be after is missing from the USA version (blue). We want the Canadian version (green). At least it's cheap. Guess how I know?
   — vitalady

February 4, 2004
To Teresa M, I'm using a tube bought less than a month ago but don't know how long it was on the shelf before that. It is still working but if it stops, I definitely want the "green" stuff.
   —  SCbabe B.

February 5, 2004
Hi Ladies! I have a tube with green on it and it does seem to help. Does anyone know whether you should put it on under or over your other skin care cream? And what do you do about the smell? I put some on while ago, under make-up and moisturizer, and I can still smell it. I don't want people to think I've been rubbing tuna fish on my face!
   — Sheryl S.

February 5, 2004
I have used Prep- H- the cream vs oily base on a prior OR scar and it did seem to work. I will try it again when my new incision from by-paa heals. I will also try coco butter.
   — Marie K.

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