I almost blacked out

I have had these spells of almost blacking out. Especially upon standing or rising, or even simply bending down to pick something up. Could it be blood sugar or maybe blood pressure? Thanks in advance, Lindy -110    — Dixie Chick (posted on February 2, 2004)

February 2, 2004
Hi Lindy, It sounds as if your blood pressure is dropping when you rise or bend. This is called orthostatic hypotension. By all means, see your doctor. If you are on blood pressure medication, this may need to be adjusted. If not, there are still ways to take care of this. <br> Be sure you are getting enough fluid, but do see your doctor asap.
   — Linda S.

February 2, 2004
I agree with the previous post that you need to see your Dr. In the mean time, when you stand or rise, I would move to the edge of my seat and sit there for a few minutes before getting up slowly. This should help some. Hope you get to feeling better soon. God Bless
   — Myrna E.

February 2, 2004
Lindy, I was having problems with blacking out last year. Come to find out, my iron was really really low. In addition to what everyone else posted, have your Dr. run some blood tests to make sure you're OK in that area. Good Luck.
   — Bea T.

February 2, 2004
Just had same problem the last 2 weeks and found last Friday my blood presure was 90 over 44 and when I stood it dropped to 87 over 40 so my doctor said quit blood pressue med so yesterday it was back up to 112 over 54 so feeling much better. I sure would have it checked. Lap RNY 09-29-03 315/231
   — john59501

February 2, 2004
It could be LOW blood pressure. I've NEVER taken blood pressure meds. Never needed to. But since wls my blood pressure runs VERY low. It's been as low as 80/40! I've almost passed out many times. I've complained over and over to my doctors. NO ONE WILL TREAT IT. I expect I'll have to black out and get hurt (or die from a fall) before anyone will take it seriously. It's very scary and it's beyond me to understand WHY doctors won't treat it.
   — Danmark

February 3, 2004
I had the same exact problem. Turned out to be iron deficiency. Made me weak in those same situations. They put me on daily iron and it went away. Check your BP and iron
   — gary viscio

February 3, 2004
Only your doctor can tell you. I had that and it turns out I was dehydrated.
   — mrsmyranow

February 3, 2004
I did pass out. After having these spells for about a month, especially after jumping up from lying down, I passed out in our foyer after answering the door from a dead sleep. I was lifeflighted to Cleveland Ohio as our local hospital thought I was having a heart attack. After being probed and pronged, I was told this is common in people who lose a huge amount of weight in a short period of time. I was told my veins in my legs are still big so when we are just a little low on fluids for whatever reason and then stand up, all the blood drops to our legs and we just pass out from lack of blood to the brain. I was told to NEVER jump up from lying down. Sit up, move your arms for about 20 seconds then go about your business and you will be fine. My problem did not occur until 1.5 years post op which is normal. Now 2.5 years post and still have to be careful, as the other day I did jump up to answer the phone and wow i almost went out. I was told it takes a few years for your veins in your legs to downsize and you will outgrow this problem. Good luck Michael

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