How do you know when you are thin?

How do you know when you stop being chubby and become thin? Do you go by your BMI(23.9)? Or you clothes size (6 or 8, size small in tops)? My family keeps telling me they can't believe how much weight I lost and how thin I am. I still see myself as chubby. By what standars do we cross the line and become thin people? Why can't we see what other people see. I wasn't always obese but I am thinner then I have ever been, But I don't feel it. I did before. I am 5 foot 6 and weigh 145-148, AM I THIN? Normal? I know this sounds nuts to preops or other people but It is a question I think about a lot. Nicole    — nicole79 (posted on January 29, 2004)

January 29, 2004
You don't sound nuts at all, I know exactly how you feel,I am 5'4" tall andI weigh 107 pounds, I wear size 00s and 0s and there are still alot of days when I still see the fat valita in the mirror, I have had alot of feed back from people on the board when I ask them how long does it take to see the skinny person you really are in the mirror, I have gotten things from saying I have BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder) to people saying don't worry you will see the thin person inside you soon, just keep working on it!! sorry I guess I haven't been much help to you huh, it sure helps to get it off my chest though...
   — bikerchic

January 29, 2004
Long term post-ops, especially those who were never at normal weights their entire lives, will tell you that it can take years for the brain to register the weight loss and accept the body in the mirror as anything other than fat. Its harder too when we look at the saggy,baggy skin to see ourselves as thin. Personally, I would go by clothing sizes and what trusted people in your life tell you. Size is in the eye of the beholder. For a model, a size 6 or 8 is a little heavy. To a person who is a size 12 or higher, a 6 or 8 is definitely much nicer and on the thin side. Anyone who is a size 6 or 8 is either thin or normal (on the small side). Your BMI is also in a normal range. And if trusted family members and I am sure others are telling you that you are now thin, you should accept it. What do you see when you see a photo of yourself? That is what helped me to see the real me, both when I was heavy and when I lost the weight.
   — Cindy R.

January 29, 2004
Nicole, I have the opposite problem! I was thin until I started having children in my early 20's and Even at my highest weight 218lbs, I felt I wasn't THAT fat! Even though clothes didn't fit right, I was out of breath, my knees hurt, my BP was up etc..... Now people see me at 136lbs and want me to be sooooo thrilled w/ my new self. I am thrilled, but to me it's how I thought I looked all along! It really makes no sense, and personally I think we are our own worst critics, I try everyday just to enjoy my life, find a little joy, laugh a lot, STAY OFF THE SCALE, and be happy!!! Don't drive yourself insane!!! JP
   — jpwork00

January 29, 2004
OMG!!! I am going through the same thing. Everyone says that I'm getting too small or gaunt. I don't see it. I've never been this size. I've lost 140 pounds to 130 and I still feel like I'm that 270 pound woman that I was. I'll still turn sideways in a crowded room to go through chairs. Hubby fusses at me for doing it too. I'm like, It's gonna take more than 14 1/2 months to re-program my brain.
   — Leigh G.

January 29, 2004
I know exactly what you mean. I think about this alot too, but have decided that since my BMI is in the normal range (<25), then that counts as "thin" or "normal" expecially if you figure in all those heavy bones and muscle from being MO all my life. Of course, I would still like to lose another 10 pounds ;^)
   — mom2jtx3

January 29, 2004
I hear aq good way is to go to the mall with a friend and have them point out people you are the about the same size as.
   — mrsmyranow

January 29, 2004
I've often wondered the same thing! I am 5'7" and 137 pounds and still think that some how it would make all of the difference in the world, in how I see myself, if I lost another 10-13 pounds! Maybe then I would actually feel thin!!! I keep hearing that the brain would catch up....but, I think mine has gone on vacation with out me! I figure I'll keep trying to lose until my body or my doctor say no more. Will I finally feel thin then?? Probably not but, at least I'll know I've done all I can and the rest is just going to have to come in time!
   — eaamc

January 29, 2004
You have done wonderful and I think your weight for your hieght is good. I am 5'5 weigh 139 wear a size 4 and small top and I still feel chubby, but that's b/c I keep looking at this loose skin and it makes me feel bigger, but when I see pictures with my clothes on, im just thinking "I can't believe this is actually me". Now I just got a tt Monday and I can't wait to see what that will look like when it's healed. Just think about how we felt and looked at ourselves before and what we went through to feel and look the way we do know, so just know you did it and look wonderful!!!
   — Sandy M.

January 29, 2004
I don't know the answer. I would say you are normal from reading your info. I am also 5'7" and 137 at my lowest. I fluctuate between 137 and 139. I go to the gym 3x a week. I literally have no fat left on my body, just loose skin, and I am very large framed. Frankly, I am tired of people looking me directly in my eyes with a serious expression, saying, "no more", "you shouldn't lose anymore". I know I am slim, wearing 6's and 8's, and medium and large tops, but I am by no means underweight. I just see all the skin and can't get past it. I am not looking to lose more weight, just to get the skin off. The belly gives me a distorted perception of my size. I was in a pizzeria tonight (I ate the middle of a large stuffed everything slice), with my son and caught a brief look at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a wide v-necked sweater. All I saw were collarbones. I said "gee, not too bad if I say so myself". Like I said, I feel that my weight is fine, just my shape, particuarly the lower body, makes me nuts. I am starting the PS journey next month with a consult for a TT to be done in August if it is approved. Good luck!!
   — Fixnmyself

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