Has anyone else had stomach pain 1 year post-op

I am 1 year post-op RNY. I recently had a D&C after having a miscarriage. Two days after, I went to the ER with SEVERE pain in my abdominal area. I hurt from right under my breasts to right above my pelvic area. It even hurt on my sides and back. It felt like severe gas pain, and my stomach was so sore that it hurt to touch it. After ruling out any gynecological causes, the doctors did an EGD and found an ulcer and severe gastritis. I was in the hospital for four days. Since I was released 2 1/2 weeks ago, I am still having pain in my left side and back sometimes after I eat. The pain is not near my stomach at all but rather along my waistline where I would expect my intestines to be. I will be following up with the doctor tomorrow, but I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Could it possibly be pain from adhesions?    — J H. (posted on January 26, 2004)

January 26, 2004
I did it was H-pylori, after 2 weeks of a Pre Pack I feel much better. Hope you feel better soon
   — Tonjia L.

January 26, 2004
I have not had my RNY yet (surgery date is 1.29.04), but have you had your gall bladder checked? I know when I had my gall stones a few years ago, the pain was right in the center of my stomach, down near my belly button. When my mother had gall stones, her pain was in her back, near her waistline, sometimes on the left and sometimes on the right. Basically, with gall stones, you never know where the pain is going to be. I have spoken to so many people and their pain is always in a different location. Hope this is helpful to you. Best of luck in getting a diagnosis.
   — robinp330

January 26, 2004
I am almost 4 months post-op and I was in the ER last Friday due to an excrutiating pain at my right side between my rib cage and top of the hip, also about 2-3 inches to the right of the belly button. It felt like a knife was stabbing me then twisting for about an hour. This is the 3rd time this has happened to me and it was the worst "attack" I have had so far. I am scheduled for a CT scan this afternoon at 3pm so I hope they find out what is wrong with me. I feel for you and hope you get some answers soon. By the way, I hope you are doing okay about your miscarriage. I have 3 beautiful children and lost another during pregnancy. It has been 14 years now but I mourned for quite some time over the loss. I had to have a D&C also but it was because the baby died in my uterus about 3 weeks earlier and I didn't expel it so infection was going to set in if I didn't have the surgery. I will pray for you and hope you have family to comfort you at this time. God Bless and good luck to you with your unexplained pain. Tina Lap RNY 10/6/03 275/210/155.
   — tntwildlife77

January 26, 2004
If you did not have your gallbladder out at the time of your surgery and it is still there. You should contact your PCP and set an appointment. You have classic signs of a gallbladder attack. But if not definitely call and see your doctor to rule out any serious conditions....
   — xflgirl

January 26, 2004
Hi I had the same thing happen 2 weeks ago and ended up in the Hospital for 4 days. The pain sounds identical to what youu had. I had a bowel obstruction due to an adhesion. The 1st time it happened was in 10/03 and they said I had a ulcer. They were wrong. I was just cruising the site looking for answers too. The outlook is not good. I had a follow up with the Dr. (not surgeon) he said it will continue to happen!! I hope and pray this stops but last Friday the pain was back but not as severe. I am very concerned but I am hopeful. I am 1 year post op aas of tomorrow and have lost 90 lbs...10 0r 15lbs to hit my goal. Good luck!!
   — Becky G.

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