Need hair loss advice.

I will be having surgery next month and was wondering if I should start taking any supplements for slowing hair loss now. I have heard that Zinc and Biotin help with hair loss. If so, does anyone know how many miligrams I should take? Does anyone have other ideas? Thanks    — Lindy B. (posted on January 14, 2004)

January 14, 2004
The hair loss is unfortunately a result of the anesthesia you need for surgery and not the surgery itself or any nutritional stuff going on. My surgeon describes it as a post traumatic stress syndrome for hair! Nothing really works to stop the loss, just relax, no one has gone bald and it does grow back. Cheers.
   — Pam E.

January 14, 2004
i'm a hairstylist and i agree 100% with pam. your body is going to go thur major trauma. just try and get in your protien. what's going to fall out will fall out. alot of people get hairloss at about 2-6 months. i got it at 3 months and it stopped when i hit 4 months. to me it seemed like alot of hair, but it wasn't, i was lucky. some people do get alot of hairloss. but remember it will grow back. don't waste your money on rogain, because it will NOT stop your hairloss. the only thing rogain type products will do is to help it grow a little(very very little)bit faster once the hairloss stops. if you do want to take zinc and botion call your doctor and speak with a nurse i'm sure they could help. best of luck on your up coming surgery!!!
   — franbvan

January 14, 2004
I take Biotin but did not see a difference I still lost hair.I,m 19 months post-op I started loseing my hair about a 3 months postop and stopped at about 8 or 9 months postop. I just had a perm yesterday and my hair dresser commented how much thicker my hair is since the last time I perm it seven months ago . Your hair does come back but just a take,s a while.
   — charanewme

January 14, 2004
Someone in our support group said that Avon's Hair Care from Within Vitamins helped her.
   — Janet S.

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