Get upset when people don't recognize you?

Does any else get a little upset when people don't recognize you? I've lost 106lbs so far ( 40 more to go). I've had so many people that I've known for years, that I don't see everyday, tell me they don't recognize me. I've had people say a polite hello and walk by, then when I tell them who it is.. they are While I'm glad they notice the loss, I'm still me. I think I still look like me. Hubby says "Hon, you've lost over 100 lbs, you're blond now, you've lost about 3 chins, YOU LOOK DIFFERENT." Am I being too sensative?? SHould I enjoy this?? One woman stood there and said she was listening to the voice to see if it is mine. SHe's a great lady, hadn't seen her in a few months, but we've always been close. I'm being silly I guess.. Thanks..    — KellyJeanB (posted on January 12, 2004)

January 12, 2004
I love it when someone doesn't recognize me. I know I look different now and it makes me appreciate it all the more. Maybe when you get a little more used to your new look you will enjoy it more. I think its funny when it happens to me.
   — Sharon1964

January 12, 2004
Help me out when you ask if you are being too sensitive. Too sensitive to what exactly? Are you thinking that, because people don't recognize you, they all assumed that you would always be obese? Or are you offended at the prospect that you feel you are potentially losing some part of your identity by losing your excess weight? Each time I'm not recognized (which is often because we have many acquaintences who only see us once or twice a year) I find tremendous confirmation that I made the right choice and that I am continuing to use the tool of the new pouch effectively.
   — SteveColarossi

January 12, 2004
I'm going to be real honest here...early out, at first, I wanted people to notice me. When I finally thought about it, I determined, for me, it was being vain. Don't get me wrong, I still feel that way within MYSELF. My thought process is "I hope they see how much weight I've lost". Finally getting rid of the excess, unhealthy hideous weight, helped to boost my self-estemm through the roof! But anymore, if anyone notices or not, doesn't make any difference...I know it's been a long time coming, and I feel better about myself, and actually, look better. Best wishes to all wherever you are in your WLS journey. Proximal LAP RNY 9/3/02 265/138/115-126, 5'2" down approximately 127 lbs and enjoying it!! Hadiyah McCutcheon, a.k.a~~~
   — yourdivaness

January 12, 2004
I'm a very sensitive person and I say, YES you are being to sensitve. Think of it this way.If you know someone terribley overweight and they lost 40 or so pounds in around 1.5 months... and you did'nt know they had surgery, more than likely you'd walk by them and not know who they are. Should they be ticked off at you? We change VERY quickly. Personally I found it a riot when people walked right by me and never paid me any mind. I'd say, something to the effect, "hey there, don't speak!" I said this laughing so they'd know I was joking with them. They were amazed and not ignoring me. Try not to let it bother you. Rather be pleased that who you've always been INSIDE is now showing since the outside is melting away. :)
   — Danmark

January 12, 2004
Nope, I think it's funny!! I went into the post office the other day and ran into my hubby's cousin. He just stood there with his mouth wide open staring at me like a deer caught in headlights!! I had to laugh!! Not sure if he knew who I was!!
   — Terri G.

January 12, 2004
i think it's great that people don't recognize me. i've stood in line next to people at the store that i never liked to begin with and this way i didn't have to make dull conversation. i just stood there like i was any other stranger...
   — candymom64

January 12, 2004
I think it's a total hoot when people look at me then do a double-take when I say hello and call them by name. And my own precious little granddaughter who loves me totally did the same thing when she saw me at Christmas. I've also lost about three chins, and my hair is cut differently. She didn't recognize me until I called her name and it had only been three months since she saw me too! I love it.........that means this is working!
   —  SCbabe B.

January 12, 2004
This happens to me all the time and I think it is funny. I enjoy it!!!!!!!!1
   — Delores S.

January 12, 2004
I love not being recognized. My favorite story is when I went away for a week long cruise, my mother (whom I see at least 4 times a week and who had dropped me off at the airport) didn't recognize me. I purposely walked right past her and she had no clue who I was. She called out to my husband (who was walking right next to me), "Where's Kelly?" I replied "Geez, Mom. I go away for a week and you forget what I look like." It was a hoot. As for other people, that don't see me as often, I take it as a major compliment. For the first time in my life people don't recognize me because I look too thin to be the person they were expecting. It is great and I let it boost my self esteem. It's better that they don't recognize us because we've lost weight instead of gaining it (now THAT would embarass me)....Kelly 315/150*at goal*less than half the person I used to be!*
   — klinzey

January 12, 2004
I thought I was the only one who felt this way. I was talking to a friend of mine about another friend who we hadn't seen in a long time and then later that day I went to the post office and there she was. I walked up to her and said "hey I was just talking about you. How are you?". She looked at me wierd and said "okay I know I know you but I can't place your name". I was like oh my god it is me Mercy. I like to go out and show myself off but I get upset when people do not recognize me. I to feel like I still look like my old self.
   — Mercy P.

January 12, 2004
I kinda get a kick out of it. I do find it hard to believe that people really don't recognize me, but I look at it as a compliment!
   — Fixnmyself

January 12, 2004
it's not your personality that they don't's the new body. there is noway i would ever get upset about that! i think i would get upset if they DIDN'T see a difference. and are silly!! hahaha hugs and congrats on your weightloss
   — franbvan

January 12, 2004
I know when I look in the mirror I still see me. I've lost 139lbs but I still see ME with the 139 extra lbs. I do not get upset when people do not recognize me. Frankly I think it's funny but it's also realistic that they do not recognize me. I've lost some weight, I've cut my hair, I am not waddling as much as before <G> and my hair is red from mouse brown. Heck if I didn't know it was me I wouldn't know it's me <G> I attend this reunion every summer and someone who only sees me every summer asked others why I wasn't at this reunion. They pointed across the room and told this woman that I was standing right there. Needless to say she had passed me many times during this reunion and I even said hi to her but she had no clue it was me lol The point is this... We are the same to ourselves.. and given the chance the same to others... just packaged differently. Enjoy your new look!!!
   — MaxineB

January 12, 2004
I live in a small town with only on grocery store. The other day I walked in to purchase a few things. The lady who works there smiled at me. When I had my things, I went to her to pay for the items. Only then did she recognize me. She said, "I did not know that was you when you walked in". That makes me feel good to know that after all this hard work, It is paying off. I like knowing that I DO NOT look the same as before. I look better, I feel better. I feel like a new woman. If people didn't see the changes, that is what would upset me. Janice
   — betterfitness

January 12, 2004
I say ENJOY it! MY own Hubby does not reconize me, best friends. I have lost -143 pounds as of last week in only 6 mo. I am VERY happy and proud. I am now returning back home CA. after 3 years can't waite to see what happens there. This is just a little Vac. for me I leave the 30th YIPPEE!!
   — Janine Greenwood

January 12, 2004
Oh timing is everything. I was at a wake the other day with 3 of my sisters. One of them remarked how much older other relatives looked but that she still felt that she looked young. I didn't say anything but wondered if my sister is blind to the wrinkles she's gotten. I did see someone a week or so ago that asked me if I was losing weight. What a hoot being down 100+ lbs. & 30-40 more til goal. Best wishes!
   — Diane S.

January 12, 2004
I had an opposite experience before WLS. I was at my parent's 50th anniversary and saw lots of family and frieds I had not seen in years. Some of them had never seen me as big as I had gotten. I saw my Godfather (possibly a lot older and a bit senile) and he didn't recognize me fat. Then he said something like "Oh there you are, I can see you in your eyes." It brought tears to my eyes and certainly made me all the more determined to have this surgery. He died this winter..I wish I could have seen him again after WLS...but he will surely see me from up in Heaven.
   — saltybichon

January 12, 2004
Just wait until the people who haven't seen you since your surgery DON'T say anything, knowing full well you've changed. My husband works with some very JEALOUS girls in his front office area. They saw me at my heaviest. I went in the other day (after losing 105 lbs.) and no one said a word about my weight loss. It cracked me up. It is very obvious to my neighbor who sees me everyday, yet when I haven't seen those girls in about 8 months, they can't even speak of the fact that I look different. They didn't have to say I looked GOOD. But it's obvious I looked different then what they were used to seeing. Now that is caddy!
   — doubleh

January 12, 2004
It takes a while to get used to too much attention - and no attention... everything is different! Frankly, I am just happy to be healthy, and now happy that people just stop commenting altogether. It hurts the most when people who are close make such a big deal like I have changed internally. I am stil the same person. The biggest difference is that I am now happy to be alive.
   — kultgirl

January 12, 2004
Yes! You're being too sensitive. Honey, you've changed. Why would you expect people to recognize you? YOU may not see it now, but I guarantee that one day when you catch a unexpected glimpse of yourself in a mirror, or when you compare your before and after pics, YOU will not recognize yourself. Then, you'll understand how all those people feel. I never realized I was as fat as I was, until I compared my before and 'after'. One day, I was shopping and didn't realize I was looking in a mirror, while I was thinking to myself, "oh- that girl has the same coat as me." Wow! what a revalation, when I realized it was ME I was looking at. Time will be your friend on this issue. If not, it's a good idea to seek out some therapy for body dismorphic syndrome. Good luck to you!

January 13, 2004
There have been a couple of times that people haven't recognized me. I think it's kind of funny, because I still think I look the same! The best one was my own sister. My Dad had been in the hospital, and I was coming in to see him as she was leaving. We were in a hallway, about 30 feet from each other. I started waving at her, and she didn't wave back. When we got close enough to speak, she said, "I couldn't figure out who this woman was who was waving at me - I didn't recognize you!" It really doesn't bother me - if they don't recognize me, I see that as a good thing. My mind will catch up eventually.
   — Carlita

January 13, 2004
I think that you are overly sensitive. I'm with your husband on this. I laugh when people do not recognize me. They often get embarrased, but let's face it, after 100lbs and a different style of clothing I do not look anything like my old self. I have even been mistaken for daughter at a distance (my face looks older).
   — M B.

January 13, 2004
I think its so funny when people dont know me. Heck my own SISTER didnt know who I was until I spoke to her. She hadnt seen in about 8 months but still... At at a family picnic last summer, my Aunt asked where I was when I was sitting right next to her. I've worked for the same company for 15 years and people who dont see me everyday still do double takes. I love it. Relax and enjoy. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 130+
   — Siddy I.

January 13, 2004
Concerning not recongnising someone, I just thought of this. This Christmas my brother fell asleep and was slumped over cute. His wife asked me to take a picture of him with her camera. What I did'nt know at the time was his son was right behind me, not wanting to take his picture until MY FLASH went off as it would wake him up. Anywho, I saw my nephew's photo of my brother and I was in the photo leaning in for the picture I took! Honestly my first thought was who was this guy leaning over. Now I'm 2 years, 8 months out... and I was floored as I did'nt think I looked that skinny until I saw myself in a photo I did'nt know I was in! Ouch. (Still alot OVER GOAL- yet happy and surprised by my own appearence in a photo). Heck if I don't know ME, why should I expect anyone else too. LOL. <Still grinning and amazed several years out!> :)
   — Danmark

January 13, 2004
Original poster here. Thanks everyone for your input. I have compared before and after pics, even caught glimpses in store windows, and not realized it was me. And yes I know I look different. It just gets a little fristrating I guess I was just having a down week. <<shrug>>. I'll get over it. Thanks again :-)
   — KellyJeanB

January 13, 2004
Personally, I think it's great and find it hilarious when people don't recognize me. The shock on their faces is something to behold! And I've found people are so much nicer when the don't know it's you (my friends anyway lol). Also an added bonus - if I run into someone I didn't like before, they don't know it's me, so I don't have to talk to them :o) Have fun with it ~ it's a great achievement and compliment...Denise 316/157
   — lily1968

January 23, 2004
Doesn't bother me at all...I think it's hilarious. Today, an old patient returned to our office where I work (Physical Therapy) and he asked me what happened to the old girl that used to work here? (ME) LOL However, even funnier was when my husband was searching the house at a Christmas Party looking for me. He passed me three times before he 'recognized' me!
   — Julie S.

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