Anyone quit losing after 4/5 months post op?

Just curious if there is anyone who just quit losing after 4 or five months. I started at BMI of 48, 265# and 5'2". I had surgery July 1. I lost 67 pounds (I think) by Oct. 31. Since then only about 5 more pounds in the last 7 weeks. What is going on? I still have 50-60 more pounds to go. It can't be over already.    — lindadougherty (posted on December 21, 2003)

December 20, 2003
A true plateau, if you are really on one is when you do not loose any weight or inches for a month. I gleaned this info from this issue of Obesity Help magazine, and article written by Dr Terry Simpson. Have you been taking your measurements since surgery? I find when the scale does not move, I have lost inches. Also, use your clothing as a gage, when it starts getting looser on you then you are loosing somewhere, maybe not on the scale. Basically, the scale is overrated, stop getting on it so much, it can really cause you to feel depressed when it does not move. You say that you have lost 5# in the last 7 weeks, so you are loosing something. Your body is just readjusting itself. Try using the usual rules of more water, protein and exercise, it works to help the weight loss.
   — ChristineB

December 21, 2003
You're not done. You'll go through alot of plateaus, and one day it will all catch up with you. My advice - don't weigh yourself. My opinion is that you have another 40lbs to go
   — jengrz

December 21, 2003
No your not alone! I had surgery Septmber 25, 2002 and I still have at least 120-130 pounds to go yet. I have roblems where I am gaining and losing. But i cannt do any exercises that include putting any pressure on foot due to open sore. Been like that for 2 years. Day of surgery I weighed 373 pounds last time I weighed I weighed 280 pounds
   — missturtle

December 21, 2003
Hi, I am 13 months post op, and I too quit losing at month 5, and then in month 9, I lost about 8 lbs, and since then, I have not lost another lb. The first plateau I did lose a few inches, but this past plateau I am suffering I have not lost any inches, or gained any either. My start weight was 267, I am 5'3'' and I am very frustrated I cannot lose a bit of these last 30-40 lbs. I am wearing large tops and size 16 pants, I don't care to be a size 4,, I just want to be a size 10/12, and weigh around 150. I now weigh 184. I do exercise, I drink my water, I eat protein, but I must be doing something wrong, I just cannot lose. I am so fearful, I have heard there is only an 18 month weight loss window, and if so, then I only have 5 months left. 5 months to me is terrifying since I plateaued 5 months first time, and 4.5 months this time so far. I don't feel like I will lose anymore, and I am very frustrated. Debbi in Ohio
   — DarlinIYQ

December 21, 2003
Isn't it normal to slow down around 5 mos? I know I did. I am able to eat more now and my body was designed to live on less calories, so that I am losing about 7 pounds a month now as opposed to the 20 lbs a month in the early days. But since I have 12 months at least of weightloss left, and am averaging 7 pounds right now, that will give me 84 pounds down in the next year which is exactly what I need to lose (give or take 10 lbs). I would like to lose faster. Also, I don't know how fast you're going to lose now that you are less than 200 pounds. You have 11 months to lose 50 pounds. Do you think you're not gonna hit it?
   — mrsmyranow

December 21, 2003
I stopped losing at 5 mos, but it finally kicked back in at 8.5 mos. That was the most miserable 3 months I had in a long time. I stayed on the program, increased activity and my body was just stubborn. If you stick to the program, it will eventually come off.
   — M B.

December 21, 2003
I will be at 2 yrs post on 2/28/04. I had a very tough time with plateaus at first, but you learn to deal with it and concentrate on the inches you are losing. It isn't easy, so I am not flippant when I say that you have no choice but to accept the situation and persevere. Easy to say, tough to do. You will lose more weight, just be patient. I started out at 298 and am now hovering around 180-183. Obviously at 5'2" that is still overweight. But, I look much smaller. I wear size 14 jeans and M-L tops. I am very happy. Yes, at times, I do get disheartened by the possiblity that I may stop losing weight before I reach goal weight, but I am still losing, even at 2lbs per month. I hit plateaus almost every 6-9 weeks starting around week 6. After a while, you get used to it and don't stress so much. Just enjoy the holidays, find a hobby, but stick to your program - it will happen for you!!
   — Diana M.

December 22, 2003
I had surgery June 27th and have had much the same results. In November, I lost 1 pound. I December, I lost 5 pounds, then went up 10 pounds, then I'm down 8 pounds (so still have those 2 extra pounds). I get really frustrated because I'm not losing weight like most people we read about. But I notice I tend to lose weight right before my period. And it makes a difference if I drink lots of water. I think we have to hang in there. Some of us are just not going to lose alot of weight every month. I've lost a total of 75 pounds. I am hoping to lose 100 but don't know if it will happen at this rate.
   — GailV

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