Has anyone has Urodynamics studies done? How bad was it? What can I expect?

I go on Tuesday for all the tests. I am very concerned but I also want to be rid of these bladder problems.    — Ann B. (posted on December 19, 2003)

December 19, 2003
Yes, just recently & had fixit surgery, too. The tests were more strange than painful. The doc and his nurse just kept chatting away and engaged me in conversation. They asked about WLS! LOLOL! So, it is just a "new" sensation. No more uncomfy than having to "go" and not being able to get to the bathroom for 5 minutes. Really. And I am a wimp. The actual surgery was even LESS uncomfy. I had a few spasms due to anesthesia, but I always do. The actual "pain" of the surgery was maybe a 3 on the top end. Mostly, I kept forgetting that I had it done! I couldn't believe how easy it was, actually.
   — vitalady

December 19, 2003
Yes, just recently & had fixit surgery, too. The tests were more strange than painful. The doc and his nurse just kept chatting away and engaged me in conversation. They asked about WLS! LOLOL! So, it is just a "new" sensation. No more uncomfy than having to "go" and not being able to get to the bathroom for 5 minutes. Really. And I am a wimp. The actual surgery was even LESS uncomfy. I had a few spasms due to anesthesia, but I always do. The actual "pain" of the surgery was maybe a 3 on the top end. Mostly, I kept forgetting that I had it done! I couldn't believe how easy it was, actually.
   — vitalady

December 21, 2003
Nurse here. Urodynamic studies are not painful at all. The doctor will examine you and then proceed to fill your bladder with a solution through a catheter. The cath is very very small, not like the ones used in the hospital. He will probably ask you to grunt or bear down like you are having a bowel movement. This lets him know how the muscles react with pressure. The fix it surgery is also very painless. You might have 2 puncture marks around your hair line. The fix it surgery has made many happy women.
   — jennifer W.

December 23, 2003
Dear Jennifer and Michelle, Thanks so much. Your answers helped me get through this morning. Ann
   — Ann B.

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