Do white spots on my teeth mean I am deficient on calcium?

I have just started noticing white spots on my top front 6 teeth. I am supposed to take 4 calcium citrates each day and to be very honest, I forget a lot. But I do try to get in at least 3 a day. I tend to forget altogether on the weekends. I know vitamins are VERY important and I am going to try to come up with a new system to help me remember. (Any suggestions on how I can remember would be helpful too.) Anyway, does anybody know if these spots are WLS related?    — Michelle_S (posted on December 16, 2003)

December 16, 2003
My daughter has the white spots on her teeth but she has had them since she was a child. I remember the doctor saying it was "calcified something" but I don't remember what. If your's just appeared, I'd call the dentist. I have a system for taking my vits. I have a weekly pill holder that will hold both morning and evening. I take the morning batch just before I go out the door to work everyday. On weekends, I take them first thing when I get up. Everything is already measured out so it is very convenient. For the evening batch, I have trained myself to take them at 9:00 every evening. I was on several medications before surgery (NOT ANY MORE........YEAH!) so I've done this for years. It's just a habit now and I think the only time I've forgotten to take them was when I made a quick trip to Florida for the birth of my grandson and forgot to take my pill holder with me. Do you have a watch that has an alarm? Set it to go off at the same time everyday until it becomes an ingrained habit. Good luck on getting a system that works for you.
   —  SCbabe B.

December 16, 2003
Spots can also be from havign too much flouride. Call your dentist for sure, but I don't think it is WLS related.
   — SarahC

December 16, 2003
I cannot address the issue of the white spots but you also wanted suggestions for remembering to take your vitamins. I too have had occassional issues with that but have found the system that has worked best for me. I purchased one of those plastic cases with a week's worth of slots and keep it with me at all times. I've established a routine of when I take each dose and that helps. For example, before I leave to work I have a protein shake. At the same time, I take my iron and Vitamin C. When I get to work I have my yogurt and take my multi-vitamin. I take my first dose of calcium right before I eat my lunch, then mid-afternoon and then again right before supper. Before bed I take my second multi-vitamin. I take my B-12 a couple times during the work week and keep it there in my desk drawer. Also, since I rely on my keeping my pill case with me, I do keep a stash of my daily vitamins here in my desk in case I ever forget my case at home. Generally, I keep the case right on my desktop at work so I see it often and it serves as a reminder. The weekends are always more difficult because we generally have different routines but I keep my case out on the counter at home. In my face - that helps me. It helps to establish a routine and method that works best for you and stick with it. Try different methods and you'll find one that works the best. Good luck!
   — Judy R.

December 16, 2003
If you want to experience the thrill of kidney stones, keep forgetting your calcium!
   — Chris T.

December 17, 2003
Yes, your teeth are losing their mineral (calcium) content and you will lose your teeth soon at this rate! You need to be taking 2000 mg of calcium citrate, in FOUR doses spaced throughout the day, at a bare minimum. Every time you smile, think about taking some calcium for your teeth, because otherwise, in five years, you will be smiling with false teeth. Seriously, here's my program: <ul> <li>First thing in the morning: iron and Rx meds <li>After I get to work, right when I sit down: calcium citrate, 630 mg <li>After lunch, as soon as I am back at my desk: calcium citrate, 630 mg <li>Right before I leave work, calcium citrate, 630 mg <li>With supper, iron <li>Right before I put my daughter to bed, after we brush our TEETH, calcium citrate, 630 mg <li>If I wake up in the middle of the night, calcium citrate, 630 mg </ul> Total calcium citrate using this plan: 2520 - 3150 mg a day Sometimes on the weekends, I slack to three doses, but that's still 1890 mg. My DEXAscans are perfect, by the way, so I know this plan works. I use Citracal Plus tablets and find them to be cheapest at Target. Finally, you should know that your body absorbs calcium best when the long bones in your body (like your legs) are not supporting your weight. That's why it's best to take it before bed and if you wake up in the middle of the night for a pee. If you're ONLY going to take it ONCE a day, take it before bed (though that is NOT enough to really protect your bones long-term). HTH, please get back "on the wagon". Do you want to keep your teeth?
   — Julia Z.

December 17, 2003
Simple -- if I'm eating, I'm probably also taking a vitamin supplement. So, I don't start eating a meal, or snack, without reaching for one, or at least, without thinking about when the last time was that I took my calcium (or iron, which of course you never take with your calcium citrate). If you link it to eating, you won't forget. :-)
   — Suzy C.

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