Help! My hair won't stop falling out!

I had surgery on the 8th of July and have gone from 245 to 165. I feel great, however, my hair began to fall out a couple weeks ago. It has gradually gotten worse! I am terrified, how long does this process usually take? I also was curious if anyone knew how the military felt about the surgery. If I would be able to join the air force?    — Amanda B. (posted on December 1, 2003)

November 30, 2003
I have read here on the site that after you have this surgery you cannot join the military. But I don't know for sure. About the hair, mine started falling out at about three months and now I am ten months out and it is still falling out. my hair looks really thin and you can see my scalp in a lot of places. it was very fine to start with. At my last support meeting the surgeon said for us to save our money on buying all these vits and shampoos and etc because they don't work. He said if we are going to lose hair we will just lose it and nothing can stop it. Contrary to popular belief, it is not due to lack of protein all the time. It can be from the anesthesia, trauma of surgery, poor nutrition or several other things. I have lost hair every time I have had surgery for anything and the good news is, it always comes back. I am ready to buy a wig this time though because I am losing hair far after others have stopped. Good luck.
   — Delores S.

November 30, 2003
My hair fell out by the handful. It started at 4 mos post-op and quit just recently at 8 mos. post-op. Hair is much thinner now but I can see 1 inch new hairs sprouting up all over my head. It WILL stop. Hang in there.
   — Vicki S.

November 30, 2003
Hey Girl, my hair started falling out at about 3 months and continued until about 7 months. Don't worry, it will all come back plus some. I don't know about the airforce at all. Enjoy the weight loss process, it is wonderful as well as totally amazing, isn't it?? Best of luck to you!!
   — Sharon1964

November 30, 2003
My hair loss lasted about 3 months. About the military, WLS surgery disqualifies you. <p> <p> Disqualifying medical conditions: i. Other. <p> (1) Gastrointestinal bypass (P43) or stomach stapling (P44) for control of obesity. <p> Sorry, I found out several years ago after my VBG when I was interested in joining the USMC.
   — Ali M

December 1, 2003
Hi, my hair started falling out right at 4 months and has now stopped at 7 months. Increasing protein was a major contributer to slowing the hair loss. I have also been taking Biotin since I first noticed the hairloss and now my hair is growing back with baby sprouts everywhere! Biotin does nothing for hair loss prevention, but certainly helps it grow back faster. I plan to keep taking Biotin until I have my hair back! To help increase my protein I bought the Jarrow's Iso Rich Soy powder and drink that 2x daily with choc. milk and also snack on frozen (defrosted) shrimp. Good luck!
   — Skis I.

December 1, 2003
My hair fell out steadily from 3 months to 6 months post-op. The best thing I can suggest is start drinking Real Meals everyday - the biotin is good for hair loss and it's got great protein. It really helped slowed my hair loss.
   — barbdeane

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