Has anyone use Hypnosis or Self-Hypnois prior to surgery?

I was wondering if anyone had tried hypnosis or self-hypnosis prior to surgery to calm fears, aid in relaxation etc and then to aid in healing post-op. If yes, did you feel it made a difference in your pre-op stress levels and post op in your healing? I found some self-hypnosis CDs on-line and was considering getting them. If you have tried any, would you please supply the link and name also. Thanks. Here's the link to the ones I found: <BR><BR>    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on November 29, 2003)

November 29, 2003
I used Less Stress Surgery : A Guided Imagery Relaxation Tape by Neil F. Neimark. It really helped me be very relaxed. The doctor asked me if they gave me something to help me relax because I was so calm before surgery. Good luck!
   — cat5dog1

November 29, 2003
Hi Mary. I started listening to a hypnosis tape about a month before my surgery. I started with a new therapist because I wanted someone to check in with over all the adjustment issues I'd be facing, and it turned out she had had a WLS patient and had made her a tape. She gave a copy of it to me, and it was perfect! I listened to it every night and as needed pre-op, and 2x/day post-op. The tape specifically addressed imagery for the surgery process, abdominal incisions, pain, and recovery. It was unbelieveably helpful. I'd never had surgery before and I was a big chicken. This helped calm me, and made an incredible impact on my mood. I was completely fine dealing with the limitations and discomfort of life right after surgery. I still had a good amount of pain, but a great attitude. The CDs you found sound very good. Best wishes for you!
   — Judy M.

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