Pre-Op Food Intake

My doctor does not require a "pre-surgery diet" however I understand that one is beneficial to help "shrink the liver". Is this true? If so, what do you recommend? A high protein, low carb diet or a full liquid diet? If full liquid, are protein shakes okay supplemented with water? I am 2 weeks from surgery and I'd like to start tomorrow. Many thanks for your advice.    — blank first name B. (posted on November 28, 2003)

November 28, 2003
I think most of us try personaly to loose weight before surgery. I did low carb, high protien, and started drinking lots of water, since this was how it was going to be from then on. and I also started walking more, and breathing deeper, all to help make surgery go alittle smoother and safer. Good luck, enjoy the journey, and God Bless.
   — wizz46

November 28, 2003
I am now 4 days post-op. My Dr. required a pre-op diet to de-fat the liver, its a good idea as you dont want it in the way.. if it gets knicked it can cause serious damage including death. It was a High Protein Low carb.. Our limits were No more than 90 grams of protein a day, No more than 30 grams carbs a day, and around 55 fat a day.. and drink all the water you want. I too used protein drinks/powders to supplement. Make sure you watch the carb count. I prefer Carb solutions, it has 5gram per 2 scoops/8oz water.. I prefer the chocolate. I lost 17pds.. started the diet 13 days prior to surgery.. Hope this helps.
   — jayme1451

November 28, 2003
My doctor asked us to avoid meat for 3-7 days before surgery, and eat lighter meals with vegetables, fruit, rice, pasta, fiber. <br><br> Another thing they suggested is to wean yourself off caffiene, so if you're a heavy coffee, tea, or soda drinker, you should think about this as well, recovering from surgery isn't a good time to be having caffeine withdrawl.
   — Patricia T.

November 29, 2003
MY surgery is scheduled for next friday Dec 5th and beginning monday my doc requires I do basically the same diet as I will have to follow for 2 to 4 weeks after surgery. Liquids and cottage cheese, yogurt etc. Good luck to you.
   — victoria W.

November 30, 2003
Hi kim, Just had surgery 11/17/03, My dr required the high protien and low carb, he felt the high protein would decrease the size of the liver as well and make it easier on me during surgery. He also suggest using the protein drinks up to 3 times a day. I understand it also will help with quicker healing, So far I've had no complications and everything has gone well. But talk to your dr as he knows the best start for you and the surgical team that will be taking care of you. Best of Luck Sue
   — LS F.

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