Is this a wise choice????
Hi Everyone!! I wanted to get some feed back on what some of you thought about my egg salad extravaganza the past 2 days. I do not do protein drinks because I have not found one that I like as of yet, so my source of protein comes from food. For the past two days I've boiled 6 eggs and mixed them up with mayo. I add peas as well. When all is said and done it makes into about 10 oz. I get 3-4 meals out of it and finish it by the end of the day. This started because last week I was eating and enjoying tuna salad, and chicken salad made the same way. Is this a wise choice???? Is mayo okay to eat or is this unhealthy? I would love some insight so I know if I need to stop this obsession with my egg salad!! I'm 10 weeks out and have lost 40lbs. I am a light weight and am losing SLOWLY!!!!!!....But am VERY HAPPY! — Lola C. (posted on November 17, 2003)
November 17, 2003
I would go very easy on that mayo, only enough to hold things together.
Remember mayo is mostly fat with 100 calories per TBS. We do need some fat
but not all those empty calories.
— Tawnda C.
November 17, 2003
Hi Missy, congrats on your weight loss so far that is great! And as for the
tuna and chicken salads, I believe they are just fine to eat an dit is a
great source of protein too, I don't do the protein drinks either adn just
try and get my protein in by food also! As for the mayo though just try to
use the light one cuz that is what I use in my tuna and chicken salads and
just try to limit the amount you use too and you'll be fine! Congrats to
you again!
— Melodee S.
November 17, 2003
Well, it depends - I didn't get a chance to check out your profile...
Which surgery post-op are you? If you're a DS post-op - awesome choice!
Don't forget ham salad (I get the ground honey baked ham to use - yummo!),
and turkey salad (think Thanksgiving leftovers), and that sort of thing.
When I'm on the "salad" kick, I also make sure to include chef
salad in the mix - totally high fat happy DS post-op food. If you're an
RNY post-op, you might need to be careful about the fat.
— Dina McBride
November 17, 2003
If you're an RNY, you are malabsorbing some of your fats/oils, so the mayo
doesn't scare me. If you are making small meals of it, which it sounds
like, and not grazing, I still like it. I don't care for egg salad, but
just gimme the devilled eggs and everyone stays healthy! I'm on one of
those right now. One of my 4 meals per day is both halves of a devilled
egg. Tastes better than chocolate to me. And that is saying A LOT, coming
from me. You could make about 10,000 worse choices than a protein food with
a lil fat. I hope there is mustard in there, too? Wouldn't be quite right,
ya know?
— vitalady
November 17, 2003
The one negative I see is it's only about 40g of protein, not much for an
entire day.
— Chris T.
November 17, 2003
Sounds yummy! All mayo is not created equal though (sugar, kind of oil,
additives). Are you getting/taking additional protein/fiber? I'm no
expert, just got my RNY a few days ago, but I love me some egg salad and
deviled eggs too!
— Soosan
November 17, 2003
I love egg and olive sandwiches. I think egg salad is a good choice! I get
"quesy" with mayo, however for some reason I CAN eat mayo WHEN
it's in something like egg salad or tuna fish. Werid. Anyway, I don't worry
about "fats" in any foods. So I enjoy the extra protein in egg
— Danmark
November 17, 2003
I would say the egg salad (and tuna salad and chicken salad) are good
protein choices. But, I have two comments: try something other than peas
as the veggie. Peas are a high-carb starchy vegetable, and while not bad
for you, not the best choice if they're your only veggie (try cut up green
beans, or bell pepper sometimes). And, please try to get a little more
variety. At ten weeks it may not be an issue, but you will be healthier if
you can eat a somewhat wider variety of foods. But, I agree with the
others: better egg salad than a lot of other things.
— Vespa R.
November 22, 2003
I laughed when I read your post, because i had just finished my lunch of...
you guessed it! egg salad! haha. anyways, I love egg and tuna and chicken
salad... if it isnt making you sick, I say go for it!
— Katrina K.
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