Protien Drinks
If my Dr. requires a 30 - 45 minute wait to drink fluids after eating do I still have to wait the required time if I drink a protien shake?? — viqueenfan (posted on November 14, 2003)
November 13, 2003
My doc considers a protein shake "food" so requires the wait.
"Liquids" are those things you can see through.
— Margaret G.
November 13, 2003
Not really. Sure, give it a few minutes, 5-10, but many people drink their
protein with 20 oz of water (yuck), so the "speed" makes no
particular difference in absorbability. If they're after how long it sits
in your pouch, I don't see that it makes much difference, either. Like
food, water can either go IN, once the "food" has left, OR it
just backs up the esophagus. Either way, it's not going to actually PUSH
the protein through.
— vitalady
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