Anyone see the request for the Maury Show ????

It said if you have lost 100+ pounds and want to be on the show to call. I responded and they wanted me to send 15 or more "before" pictures and 4 or more "after" picture. They told me that they really wanted to use me, but didn't get enough replies. I guess they are going to be posting the question again. I hope more of you big losers (he he he) will decide to send in your pics... we could have a get together... good luck!    — Beffy W. (posted on November 11, 2003)

November 11, 2003
I would love to do this but I have only lost 90 pounds so far so I dont qualify.. There is a girl on spotlight who got on the show already ..
   — Catherine B

November 11, 2003
I would never expose myself to Maury's show- I have seen some of his shows lately, and have lost a lot of respect for him...He used to be different, but now he relies on people's misfortune to gain for himself. You never know what kind of "spin" he could put on this...I would just be very careful. Good luck,Congrats on your loss!
   — Metsfan91

November 11, 2003
I agree. DO BE CAREFUL with talk shows. In early 94 I was on Geraldo, and in early 95 the Charles Perez show. Both where in NYC. With each show I was told this was going to be a SERIOUS show. (Not a wls subject). Anyway, all they wanted was a FREAK show. The Charles Perez show was a really freaky show. I've also lost all respect for Geraldo since his show too. Very bad deals. Talks shows just want anger, freaks, weird things and such. It's too bad as they could really help educate. But they only want ratings. Be careful. Take it from someone who's been there! ;)
   — Danmark

November 12, 2003
I did not see that however I would be willing to send pics & do the show if asked. I am a year out & have lost 150 lbs.. The only thing is it would be made clear on paperwork what the show was going to be about before I signed release paperwork.. If you find out anymore about it please e-mail me. Thanks Anne
   — Anne T.

November 12, 2003
I have already asked the questions about the show and this is going to be a positive show. For those that are interested, the # I called was 1-888-45-maury. I don't know if you can still call or if you have to wait until they request it again. I did see a previous show that he had on about this subject and it was positive as well. They just asked me how this has changed my life and positive stuff like that. Good luck to those that care!
   — Beffy W.

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