I get very nervous and my heart goes wild.

Will they give my anything the day of surgery while I am waiting to go to surgery? Thank you for all your info.    — Tricia K. (posted on November 5, 2003)

November 5, 2003
They injected something into my IV about 30 minutes before surgery. They called it "happy serum". I don't know what it was exactly, but I can tell you this: Nothing fazed me after that...I was as relaxed as can be. I'm sure they'll share this drug with you. Don't worry...You'll be out of there before you know it! Best of luck!
   — Amy A.

November 5, 2003
It is pretty standard for the hospital to give you something to relax you before your surgery (usually valium, sp?). If they don't give it to you right away, I would ask for it. Surgery is a scary thing and you are entitled to something that will knock the edge off. However, I do agree with the last poster that said if you have this issue already that maybe you should discuss this with your PC. I am on medication for O.C.D. and have also been on medications for panic attacks when I was a teenager and young adult. They really help when you truly need them. God Bless you on your journey. (by the way, I was given my valium about half an hour after I got to the hospital in pre-op).
   — tntwildlife77

November 5, 2003
I got a shot of Demerol in my butt I think. It was perfect!
   — mrsmyranow

November 5, 2003
I got the 'happy pill' just after i signed my paperwork and answered their questions. They were like...are you nervous?......take this. I didn't care anymore...I was all happy that I was going into surgery, talking the ears off of anyone wihtin 10 feet of me. Then aparently I passed out. LOL
   — RebeccaP

November 5, 2003
Versed worked for me!!!!! I have fond memories of that drug tehehehehehe!! Chris
   — chris S.

November 5, 2003
They will give you medication to help you relax. If you think your anxiety will be a problem before you even get to the hospital, you might ask iyour surgeon if he would prescribe something for you to take the day of surgery to help calm you. You can usually take a pill with a sip of water a few hours before surgery. (We used to give patients a sleeping pilll a couple of hours before surgery, then a shot of pain medication and something to help dry up secretions about an hour before.) Once they get your IV started, they will be able to give you enough medication to make sure you are relaxed. Versed is wonderful! I remember having my carpal tunnel surgery (done under a local block, so I was awake). I was looking at the lights over the operating table, and suddenly there were 4 sets of lights going in circles! I asked the anesthesiologist if he had given my something, and he said he gave me a little more Versed.
   — koogy

November 5, 2003
They gave me fentanyl and BOY was it super! ;)
   — Patricia E.

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