How can I make the Golytely taste better?

First .. my surgeon requires the Golytely ... so can't change that. Any suggestions on how to make it taste better? They say to chill it in ice (not to put ice in it) but no other suggestions. How fast acting is this stuff? I am to take it in the morning the day before surgery. 2 days before surgery I am taking Milk of Magnesia. Always will be doing clear liquids for 2 days. Any advice would be appreciated. Again, I have to take the golytely, no other choice. Since I have to do this, I want to make it as easy as possible. Thanks.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on October 31, 2003)

October 30, 2003
My sister in law told me to mix it in a little cold sprite. Don't know myself but will on the 11th of december. Then it will be my turn to drink the nasty stuff!
   — Dave H.

October 31, 2003
Dave, the directions I have specfically state NOT to put ice in the golytely ... I assumed it was because it would dilute the mixture. So I doubt that I can mix sprite in it.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 31, 2003
I am sorry to tell you that there isn't really anything you can do to make it taste better. Just drink it as fast as you can. If you think that it may make you nauseous, ask your physician to give you an antiemetic, like phenergan or zofran, to prevent vomitting. Good luck!
   — saras

November 1, 2003
I made mine better by mixing it with sugar-free lemonade. You can use Crystal Light or Koolaid. It makes the taste just a bit better. You might want to mix it strong. It really did help me. It still tasted icky but not nearly as bad as without it.
   — rinnchris

November 10, 2003
You can't change the taste of evil. It's a lot like drinking a cup of creamed brussel sprouts. Good luck to you.
   — Goldilauxx B.

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