When will my sex drive return???

I had one once...I had a really amazing one! Anytime, anywhere! Kids home? Lock the door and lets go! Now? Nothing...not even an inkling of a desire! What do I do?    — Amy A. (posted on October 30, 2003)

October 30, 2003
I had open RNY Sept 22 and I had sex 2 weeks post op. SSSHHH don't tell my doc. LOL I wanted to the day that I came Home. I think that everybody is different though. One of my friends that had surgery before me did not want to be intimate for months and then slowly it came back. I hope that it comes back soon. Good Luck!!!!!!
   — jamie H.

October 30, 2003
How long has it been since your surgery? 2 wks. post-op for me also. Mention this to your doctor if you are concerned. Good luck.
   — carpediem

October 30, 2003
I am 19 months post op, when you find yours will you see if mine is hangin out having fun too..and send it skidaddlin' home :)
   — ~~Stacie~~

October 30, 2003
It took me 18 months to really get mine back... and I got pregnant fo rthe first time in my life because of it! LOL! Be patient, but tell your doc, too... my husband's was back in six weeks... ! LOL!
   — Sharon m. B.

October 30, 2003
It will come back. Just relax and try not to think about it. My husband was 480 and had bypass 18 months ago. It took about a year for him to really start acting like the man I married 16 years before!! I had my surgery this past June, and I never had a sex drive until about a month ago! What a revelation!
   — ttilles

October 30, 2003
I am 18 months post-op and mine has not return- as someone already said, if you find your sex drive hanging out with mine, please tell it to come HOME!
   — kultgirl

October 31, 2003
Original Poster here...I'm a little over 6 months post-op. I guess this wouldn't be so hard if I wasn't such a Ready Betty PRE-OP! Don't get me wrong...we have sex...all the time...I just need SO much "encouragement". I simply don't want to...never initiate anymore. Oh well...if it does come back, I promise to look for the other lost ones & send them home to their rightful owners :) Thanks for the advice!
   — Amy A.

November 2, 2003
It took a little while for mine to come back. I think for me the more weight I lost the more it came back. Iam a little over nine months postop now and now it's in overdrive! It will eventually come back, just give it some time. If you are really concerned, you can make an appt to see your ob/gyn. They have this new pill called Avlimil that's supposed to help with this sort of problem. Good Luck!
   — Kris T.

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