I have to do a Low-Iodine Diet for thyroid cancer test.

   — zapuback (posted on October 29, 2003)

October 29, 2003
Ask your doctor for this type of diet. One item you will need to forgo is salt. Most salts contain iodine. I had most of my thyroid removed 18 mos ago due to tumors. If it turns out that you have thyroid cancer, remember that it is one of thee most curable cancers you can get. There are several good endocrine websites online which may be able to help you as well. Best wishes -
   — M B.

October 29, 2003
Wishing you the best in thoughts and prayers that everything goes okay for you. Keep your head high and remember that God is watching over you! ((((hugs))))
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 29, 2003 <BR><BR> The link will give you specific details on the diet on what to avoid etc. Hope this helps.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 29, 2003
You need to avoid more than salt; anything dairy is out, soy is out, meats with any broth injected are out, red dye number three is out, most canned foods are out, no chocolate ... oy, I do my best to forget this darned diet as soon as it's over, it's deadly dull. But fortunately, it's only for two-three weeks. A good website to consult is, the Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, which has a "LID" (low-iodine cookbook) online.<P>Good luck; sorry you have Hasimoto's, which I know makes tracking your case a bit harder. There are a few of us here who are both WLS post-ops and thyca vets. Hang in there!
   — Suzy C.

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