Will having a fatty liver prevent a person from having surgery?

I know someone interested in having a gastric bypass, but is concerned because she was diagnosed with a fatty liver. Does this surgery make it better or worse? Thanks!    — teresa M. (posted on October 20, 2003)

October 19, 2003
Most morbidly obese people have a fatty liver. A simple 2 week low fat diet can do miraculous things to defat your liver before surgery. AND make the surgery much safer and easier for the surgeon especially if she is having it done lap.
   — Carol S.

October 19, 2003
I agree with what the previous poster said. :)
   — TheresaC

October 19, 2003
Unless the liver is too damaged, DS will cure the problem. I assume RNY will also. Chris, DS 6/02
   — Chris T.

October 20, 2003
My surgeon put me on a special diet for 3 weeks to shrink my liver prior to the surgery (lap). Because the stomach is behind the liver it is really a good idea to follow it. I did - I felt I was doing my part to have a successful outcome. I am almost 6 weeks post op and feel terrific. Very little complications - best of luck to you.
   — Phyllis W.

October 20, 2003
I had a fatty liver and my PCP sent me for an MRI??. Once he was sure I was ok he released me for surgery. They like to check to be sure you don't have hepatitis.
   — Fixnmyself

October 21, 2003
My surgeon says ALL obese people have fatty livers, so this is why he makes his pts go on clear liquids for 4 days prior to surgery. He says this helps the liver to get rid of toxins and shrink thus making surgery easier when he is in there and can see what he is doing better (open RNY).
   — bufordslipstick

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