In desperate need of scrubs!!

I just thought I would ask if there are any healthcare workers out there who have any scrubs that they have shrunk out of. I'm wearing my 3X uniforms and an XL will fit me now. I will pay shipping and a little extra if you wish. Thanks so much!!    — lindadougherty (posted on October 15, 2003)

October 14, 2003
I saw a few available on ebay, just now, while I was looking for something else. The prices seemed fairly decent.
   — magicaldragonfly

October 14, 2003
I do not know if there is one where you live, but ragstock carries them cheap. Also Walmart carries them for cheap. Just a thought.
   — horserider0146

October 15, 2003
If you have any resale shops by you, you may find some there. I get most of my regular everyday clothing from resale shops right now. So, maybe they have some scrubs also for you. Good Luck.
   — ChristineB

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