I'm having pain after I eat.

The only way I can solve the pain is to vomit most of what I've eaten up. I'm waiting for the Dr. to call me back but what could the problem be???    — SJP (posted on October 8, 2003)

October 8, 2003
I am sorry that you are going through this. What exactly are you eating this soon out? I know when I started eating soft foods at 6 weeks post-op, all I could handle was about 1-2T spread out over about 15-20 minutes...not really much to be able to throw up...even when I wanted to. Are you chewing well enough? Eating slow enough? Could it be a stricture forming? There are just so many possibilities...that hopefully your doctor can help you sort through. Hang in does eventually get better. Also, I don't know if it will help or not, but when I feel like I'm going to throw up, I go into the batroom and spit out all of the saliva/mucus that my body is making so I don't end up swallowing it all....which usually only makes things worse. Good luck.
   — eaamc

October 8, 2003
Everything that Andrea wrote was right on the money. I wish I'd known to spit out that saliva instead of swallowing it. When I figured it out on my own I did feel a lot better. My guess is you're maybe eating a little too much. I could only eat 2 or 3 bites for what seemed like forever at the time. Now I guess it was only for about the first 3 months. Plus I would look at what you're eating. Maybe you now can't tolerate milk, or some other thing? Good luck. I know it's hard to believe right now, but you will start feeling better a little farther post op.
   — sherry hedgecock

October 8, 2003
Original poster here.. Thanks for the responses. I've been eating solid foods for about 3 weeks now. This pain has been happening for the past two days. I have this problem with everything I eat. I take small drinks of water and I still feel the pain (just not as bad).
   — SJP

October 8, 2003
Your still a new post-op so it may just be an irritated pouch from something you ate that you weren't ready for. If it continues with all foods (try going back to soft for a day or two), then it may be a partial or full stricture, or even a pouch ulcer.
   — Cindy R.

October 8, 2003
I am almost 2 weeks post-op I am on pureed foods for 6 weeks, I have been very careful not to over-eat, I still chew the mush & use a baby spoon. So far I have had NO problems, I wish you luck & take care!
   — Saxbyd

October 9, 2003
Hi. Like Brooke, I had a stricture. My anastomosis was also a "pinhole," and I had an endoscopy this Tuesday. The doc later told me that he had trouble finding it, but managed to dilate it to 9mm. He had me schedule a second endoscopy 10-14 days later -- still waiting for the callback to schedule it. Anyway6, Brooke was right, you won't even know that it happened. All I remember was turning over to my left side a little and having a perfectly coherent conversation. Then I "woke up" in recovery. They gave me Versed IV, so I don't remember a thing. No pain, no sore throat, nothing. But honestly, I don't think that I'm finished yet. I don't vomit as often, but I still can't keep much more than clear liquids in me. Still, it is a BIT better than before. The surgeon and the endoscopy guy both said that 50% of the patients only need the procedure done once, so you may feel better really quickly. I hope so! Rooting for you!
   — Annie H.

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