PO 6 weeks; feeling weak, shaky, nauseated & faint

Can anybody relate to this? I'm 6 weeks out, and I'm happy with my 35-lb. weight loss, but I've been feeling so weak, tired, etc. that it's hard for me many days to just get up and go to work. <p>For instance, yesterday I woke up feeling very weak, kind of nauseated, generally blah. I came home from work on my lunch to fix a protein shake and check on my daughter because she was home with strep throat, and I ended up getting very sick, on the floor, having dry heaves (I hadn't eaten but a bite of cottage cheese in the morning) and couldn't stop. It was like my stomach was going into spasms. When I was finally able to get that stopped, all I could do was lie on the couch; I felt as weak as a kitten. I was able to eat some tomato soup, but it didn't set well; I didn't get sick again, but I felt bad. Now, this morning, I got up, got dressed, and was trying to head out the door to go to work and I started getting very shaky and weak, broke into a cold sweat, almost like having a low blood sugar attack; blood sugar was 137, so it shouldn't be that. I also feel nauseated and very weak right now; my legs feel like rubber.</p> <p>I also feel exhausted; if I don't get 12-14 hours of sleep, I feel like I haven't slept at all! 8 or 9 hours isn't cutting it for me. I'm really concerned because my boss is getting frustrated because of the time I've had to take off. I did talk to my human resources person and she told me that I could have my doctor fill out FMLA papers and that would cover me for these intermittent days (up to 12 weeks), so that made me feel better.</p> <p>I'm getting in all my vitamins; daily multivitamin, calcium citrate, and I've upped my B-12 to 3 times a week at the advice of my surgeon. I also try very hard to get in my protein, but that's difficult; I tried the Carb Solutions protein bars and they gave me severe diarrhea. I'm trying to find a supplement that doesn't do that to me or make me gag trying to drink it. I walk a minimum of 20 minutes a day and am trying to increase that gradually due to pain from arthritis in my feet, knees, ankles and back.</p> <p>Sorry this is so long, but I was just hoping for some feedback from some of you who have "been there and done that". Seems like I felt better at 2 weeks out than I do now! I'm seeing my pcp today and my surgeon advised that I ask her to run some blood work to check everything out. Thanks in advance for all your help! Moysa, lap RNY 08/19/03    — Moysa B. (posted on October 2, 2003)

October 2, 2003
I am 10 weeks out and I FINALLY am starting to feel like myself. I still get dry heaves sometimes when my stomach rejects something but it is getting less. My 1st 8 weeks I was very tired and still felt sick to my stomach. My doctor says it can take up to 12 weeks to get your energy back. But please remember the drastic reduction in calories will make you feel tired also. Your stomach is still healing and it is not used to being as empty as it is now. I try and drink the EAS Carb Solutions protein shake. I only drink about half at a time so my stomach does not reject it. It is strange - sometimes I am hungry and my stomach tolerates food. But other times I have no appetite at all and nothing sits well. To give you hope as I am a pretty new postop - they say it gets better. I feel better everyday and I have lost 53.5lbs. So keep you chin up!! Take it one day at a time and know that it will be so worth it!! God Bless!!
   — laurab

October 2, 2003
Moysa, This sounds very similar to what I went through a few weeks ago. After being sick for more than a week, my surgeon finally insisted on scoping me. It turned out a patch of my internal sutures hadn't disolved; I had a mild stricture and mild ulcerations. As soon as he went in and corrected it, I felt like a million bucks again. (He also put me on a medication called Carafate, 10 ml 4X daily for a month after the scope to coat and protect my insides). Read my profile for more info on the problems I was having. Good Luck to you! Audra, Open RNY 8-7-03, 248/240/-45
   — jellybean0605

October 2, 2003
I'm 7 weeks post-op and was feeling the same way you are until about 3 days ago. That's the 1st time I was able to eat and feel good. I called my doctor last week and asked him to prescribe something for nauseau. It worked! There were days last week I didn't eat anything but may a few crackers. Just drank water. I still take it easy and the dry heaves sometimes raise their ugly head, but at least it's tolerable. I'm not working right now, and I sure do admire you for getting up everyday and going to work. Give your body time to'll be better in the long run.Good luck and take care. lap rny 8/12/03 311/260
   — Marika M.

October 2, 2003
I too had the same problem .. my surgeon prescribed medicine for the nausea (which helped because it knocked me out!) ... another problem might be you're not getting enough in your stomach ... I know when I was eating every 2-1/2 to 3 hours (as instructed), I didn't experience the nausea quite as much ... and I'm doing much better ... I'm 15 weeks out, down 60 (as of last week). I wish you well, hang in there!
   — Karyn B

October 2, 2003
I also felt better at two weeks than at four, but I didn't have any of the problems your experiencing. As for a protein drink you can tolerate, try GNC Pro Performance 100% Whey Protein UNFLAVORED. I add 1 scoop to 8 oz of milk and a little bit of chocolate milk powder, and I honestly don't taste it. I can sort of tell it is there, but no flavor - With the milk, it is 30 grams a drink; I guess you could add it to other things if milk isn't working for you. GNC also will take back anything - even if you opened and used some - so there's really no risk. I would keep in close contact with your doc about your recent problems.
   — bethybb

October 2, 2003
As others have pointed out, there are lost of possible causes for your symptoms. These symptoms are also classic ones of dehydration. How much are you drinking each day? You need to get in 64 ounces or more of caffeine-free liquids every day. However, since all of the possiblities suggested could be serious, I strongly encourage you to seek medical attention right away.
   — Vespa R.

October 2, 2003
I am at 6 mos. I am no Dr, but based on the postings on this website, I would say that the exhaustion is normal at 6 weeks. The shakey and faint can be signs of other issues such as low potassium levels (occassionally drink low sodium V-8) or deydration. Glad you are getting checked out! Best wishes -
   — M B.

October 2, 2003
I'm 8wks Post and will have my first blood labs done before my next appt. I haven't experienced your symptoms I've felt pretty normal since about my 3rd week. I am a little dehydrated and low on potassium dispite thinking that I was getting in enough liquids. I'd ask your PCP to do your labs a bit early. MizD, lapRNY 8/06
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 2, 2003
***Original Poster*** I just wanted to thank all of you for your opinions and suggestions. I'm going to see my PCP in about an hour and she will run my labs as requested by my surgeon. It is possible that I'm not getting in enough fluids, so I'm gonna do my best to increase them. I think possibly too I'm suffering still from caffeine withdrawal. I tried to wean myself off of it before surgery because I used to drink at LEAST 64 OZ of Diet Coke every day. I was able to wean myself down to 32 OZ. and of course haven't had any since surgery. <p>Again, thanks to all for your responses. I'm hoping the labs will find out something and I can start feeling better!
   — Moysa B.

October 3, 2003
***UPDATE***10/03/03 I saw my pcp yesterday and she determined I'm dehydrated and malnourished. On top of that, I have a nasty bladder infection. So, I'm taking antibiotics for the infection and trying to really push the water issue. I also went to GNC tonight and bought some unflavored whey protein to mix in with my crystal lite or orange juice so I can up my protein. Hopefully these things will help me feel better soon! The blood work revealed I'm NOT anemic, and that all levels are just fine, liver functions are a little elevated, but nothing major, will just keep an eye on them. Thanks again to everyone who responded! I know it will get better, I'm just impatient, I guess! :0)
   — Moysa B.

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