Major depression

My surgery date has been changed from Oct. 16th to sometime in January of 2004. My doctors is having emergency surgery. I don't no how long I can keep my emotions in check (I'm at work now). I will proble be popping Zoloft like tic tacs (just kidding) for the next couple of months I don't no haow I'm going to get thru this.    — TIFFANY B. (posted on September 30, 2003)

September 30, 2003
I know that has to feel devastating and I know I would probably feel just like you do. No one understands just how desperate we feel when we get to the point we want to have surgery, then something happens to put it off. I know it's hard to think of it in these terms but there may be a divine reason your surgery got put off. I believe with all my heart that 3 years ago when I was looking to have surgery before, everything hit a brick wall for me. This time it all fell into place. God bless you.
   — Happy I.

September 30, 2003
That's a bummer! I don't have any suggetions other than make sure everything is in order with your insurance company and that they are notified of the January 2004 date! How awful would it be to wait till January and then find out OOPS! you're not approved!!! for some reason because of the new calendar year or something. Good luck.
   — Carly H.

September 30, 2003
I know what you are going through. Check my profile. I thought I would never have the surgery. I was taking high doses of valium just to get through the day (I couldn't even work my 10 hrs/week job for my Dad) and I was a total b*tch to everyone who knew me. It is absolute hell what you are being put through and it is totally unfair. What I'm writing may not help you feel better, but as impossible as it may seem it will happen and it will have been worth waiting for. If I were you I would get myself some strong anti-anxiety meds and take it one day at a time. Good luck to you.
   — klinzey

September 30, 2003
I would definitely do some serious research into whether or not your insurance will still consider this surgery a covered service. Many times companies change insurance companies at the beginning of the year, or alter their policies and this may become an exclusion. Be sure to check this out thoroughly and not assume what someone tells you is factual. Find it in writing!! Good luck! Shelley
   — Shelley.

September 30, 2003
I agree with Lisa below and I also know how you feel. I am a very impatient person and waiting to "Start a new Life" is very hard. Here is what I do. I am trying to make adj now. I know how I will have to eat and excerise in my new post surgery life. If you start now just think over the next 2-3 months you could lose 20lbs or more and that puts you that much closer to your goal and also gets you into your new life style so it will not be such a new routine for you after the surgery. Keep your head up!!!
   — gina L.

September 30, 2003
I know how disappointed you must feel. But at least you can enjoy this last Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Believe me, they will NEVER be the same again. Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas are usually the only times I regret WLS. ENJOY them this year. Then take the next few months to cut out sugar, walk and get spiritually and emotionaly prepared for surgery. You have alittle extra time to prepare so use it wisely. At least you won't be recovering and feeling sick during the holidays this year. Best of luck to you in January.
   — Danmark

September 30, 2003
I know how you feel because I was planning on having surgery this fall too but my husband's employer decided to change our copays to a high deductable. My depression came back in full force! I have managed to pull myself back up but its been difficult. Everyone I know who has gone through this process the same time I have will have surgery before me and that has been a difficult thing to deal with. But like Daniel stated we will get to enjoy halloween candy, Thanksgiving dinner, and the sweet treats of Christmas. There will be no recovery issues and learning how to eat during these tempting times. Plus if you have a deductable and out of pocket expense with your insurance company it will be paid for an entire year due to having surgery in January. I guess what I'm trying to say is try to look at all the good things that you will get to do now. I've devoted my entire year to this process and I hate to wait until Jan. because I feel like I am in limbo but I really don't have a choice so I remind myself of these little perks that time has granted me. Good luck on your future surgery! Jan will be here before we know it!
   — Renee A.

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