what is 200% over ideal weight for a 5 foot person?

I have been approved by Tricare to see the surgeon of my choice but I am afraid to get my hopes up because I have no major co morbids. I am five foot and weigh 229 pounds with a bmi of 44.7. I think I am 200% above my ideal weight for height but I am not sure. I have high cholesterol and I have knee and back pain and have insomnia with mild sleep breathing difficulties but nothing too major. I worry because at first I got denied by insurance to see a surgeon because they said I did not weigh enough and at 220 pounds and a bmi of 43~ I was a lil bit confused. So maybe they were trying to say I was 6 pounds shy of being 200% above ideal weigh for height. I am not sure but when we resubmitted my referral with my new weight and bmi ~ I had no problems. I just fear being denied surgery. I guess I worry too much. Any one who is five foot and knows anything about this please let me know! Specifically those who have tricare.    — texangrl4vr (posted on September 29, 2003)

September 29, 2003
You should have no trouble qualifying with a BMI of 44.7. Most insurances require a BMI over 40 or over 35 with co-morbidities. I don't understand this "200%" thing. Usually you must be at least 100# overweight, which you are. Good luck on your journey.
   — LLinderman

September 29, 2003
Hi, I don't understand the 200% thing either, but I was 215lbs and I am 5'0" also and had no difficulty getting surgery. I had co-morbidities with a BMI of 42. In my opinion I do not think you will have problems with getting approved. I wish you much luck on your journey and may God bless you. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!! Janice
   — betterfitness

September 29, 2003
You shouldn't have any trouble getting approved with Tricare. I was 5'2" and 235 with minor comorbs and was approved in a day! Tricare is great - much easier to deal with than I thought they would be. Good luck! Jody RNY 5/23/03 235/165/125
   — MomBear2Cubs

September 30, 2003
Hi SH: Nice initials. LOL I'm just over 5 foot myself so we seem to have a lot in common. 200% is 200 pounds according to the met life scale, if I'm understanding your question correctly. Ideal is 100 pounds for a five foot woman and 5 pounds for every inch after that. So I should weight between 102 and 103. I think I should be around 120. I got to 127.5 at my lowest. Close. :o) Good luck and email a fellow shorty if you'd like. S
   — sherry hedgecock

September 30, 2003
The 200% thing is easy to explain. Let's say your ideal weight is 125lbs then being 200% over weight means the you weight 325lbs. You are 200 lbs over weight. If you are only 229lbs you are like 110% overweight. Me, I'm 130% overweight... According to the AMOS site chart, you're ideal weight is between 110-120lbs.
   — Renee B.

September 30, 2003
I am also a light weight. I am 4' 11' and my pre-op weight at consultation was 202 lbs, with a bmi of 40.5. I was approved on the first request and had lap rny 8-25-03. I have lost 31 lbs. Good luck!!! Don't worry, you qualify.
   — Lisa Marie C.

September 30, 2003
YOu have alot of thing the inurance will take in accunt for. high cholesterol, the knee and back pain, probalby mild sleep apnea, and you are about 100 lbs over weight. there should be too many problems. DOn't worry about it. some insurance company send a denial letter tosee if you will go away. let them know your not going any where. Good luck1
   — spring A.

September 30, 2003
To clarify: 200% of 125 is 375, not 325. Regardless, you still qualify.
   — LLinderman

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