how do I get to the recipe page?
Someone mentioned this on the message board. I didn't know there was one. Could someone point me in the right direction too? Thanks in advance, Lisa — Lisa D. (posted on September 29, 2003)
September 29, 2003
I do not believe that there is a recipe page, but if you go to the library
and put in recipe or recipes you will come up with a bunch of info.
— ChristineB
September 29, 2003
I stand corrected. If you go to "member interests" and click on
"show sub-categories" go down to "home", under it is a
category for "cooking and Baking", then click the "cooking
and baking message board". Then all you have to do is check out the
different posts.
— ChristineB
September 29, 2003
Hi, here's an easier way to get there, just follow this link
Enjoy!! Cj
— Cj B.
September 29, 2003
I didn't know that there was a recipe page. If you go to my profile page
and click on the RECIPE BOOK, it will take you to the It has sample recipes, a
recipe book index and ordering information for great Desserts...and More!
Good Luck!
— Lynette B.
September 29, 2003
— ~~Stacie~~
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