Thought I had my new plumbing figured out, but

at 6 weeks out, my pouch is acting differently. Also having a slight soreness around my incision sites. Is this normal? Possibly sutures pulling inside? I didn't feel sore at all before now. Maybe it was the dancing a couple nights ago. Felt sore the next day. It's been 2 days now though and still sore. Not bad, but I'm paranoid about it. My pouch is now making an embarassing gurgling noise when I drink something. Is this normal too? Your response is greatly appreciated.    — Rhonda B. (posted on September 26, 2003)

September 26, 2003
You are completely, 100% normal. I am 7 weeks post-op and had the same things happen to me. The gurgling noise and feeling is a good thing, it is letting the air out of your new tummy when you drink, it just means that your new tummy is nice and tight, my surgeon told me that it will go away after a time. About my 5 and 6 weeks, my insides hurt so bad, I stopped going to the pool, because when I went into the water the water made my belly move up and when I got out it let it drop down with the weight, and I asked my surgeon about the insides hurting, I did not actually talk to the surgeon, but the nurse told me that the insides were healing, the staples were settling in and the new tummy was excepting the staples. It does get better, now it is only once in awhile when I do a new activity that it gets alittle sore. And being sore around the incision site, well, it is healing also, mine is still very tendor when I touch it or my clothes touch it. It is still very red, just keep it clean and no infection will set in. My incision is 9 inches and when I wear a sports bra, it still hurts pretty bad, no way that I could wear a real bra. I can only tell you my experiences and my surgeons answers, if everything continues and you do not feel comforable about it, you may want to contact your surgeon's office. Hope this helps. Feel free to email me, if you have any other questions.
   — cindy

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