Do you eventually get more stamina as time goes on?

I am 9 mons out and down 84 lbs. My husband asked me if I will ever get any more stamina then what I have now. I exercise every day, get my protein in, my vits and my water. I told him that I think I will, just thought I would ask for input from others who have been there, done that. Thanks for any input- Sandy    — sandii54 (posted on September 25, 2003)

September 25, 2003
Sandy, I was going to post this question today too. The only difference for me is that I am 11 weeks out. I just saw my doctor on Monday he said to give it some time as my body still thinks I am starving it...compared to how I ate before. Makes sense to me, but it is getting depressing. Exercise is difficult when you don't feel like putting one foot in front of the other...however I continue to try. Looking forward to your responses. Good luck to you! Lynn, Lap RNY 7/8/03, 224/185/120
   — Lynn W.

September 25, 2003
I guess a lot of that depends on how much stamina you have right now! And are we talking hiking/walking, what? I am just about 8 months and have been suprised how I easily I can leave my hubby and kids in the dust...even after not exercising for two months. Of course, I do push myself hard each and every time I exercise (even on the days when I start out thinking I will just take it easy) and am always setting new goals for time, distance or weight for myself. Also try looking back and remembering what things were like 9 months might be surprised.
   — eaamc

September 25, 2003
If your stamina/energy levels are low at 9 months out maybe you should talk to your Doc. By 6-5 months I was flying around like a wild woman with more energy than ever in my life. Requiring less sleep and able to go like the energizer bunny. at 1 year I have never felt better, even tho I am slightly anemic. maybe you need your labs checked, and/ or to talk to a dietician.
   — **willow**

September 25, 2003
At 9 months out, you shouldn't be tired. How do your labs look? Have your PCP or surgeon do a complete work up and tell them that you still feel tired. Unless you're still very overweight, I would think you should have plenty of stamina at this point.
   — mom2jtx3

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