Looking for anyone who has surgery with Dr. Kaderabek St. Vincents Indianapolis, IN

I am hoping to have the vertical banded gastric bypass (rouen y) done by Dr. Kaderabek. I would love to hear from anyone who has had surgery by Dr. Kaderabek. Any information such as how you've done since the surgery, complications, aftercare would me greatly appreciated.    — Kathleen R. (posted on September 24, 2003)

September 24, 2003
Hi I did on June 3,2003. I am doing great I have lost 72 pounds so far. I have had very little trouble and after care has always been good. Any time I have called with a problem or question he or his PA has always gotten right back to me. And his food plan for after surgery is different then most doctors. I would be more then happy to talk to you time you like. My email is [email protected]
   — Autumn

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