Does anyone else have trouble shaving?

When I shave my legs the skin up on my thighs sort of bunches up and is not easy to shave. I am curious how I can get a clean shave... I guess it's all of the loose skin that is bunching up, I've tried other things like nair etc and I just prefer to shave, as my skin breaks out from chemicals... can anyone share advise? Thanx.    — MF (posted on September 23, 2003)

September 23, 2003
I to have the same problem. I have found that if I put my leg down on the floor and hold up the excess skin I can get a clean shave. Granted it is not something I like doing as it kind of depresses me but at least I can get a clean shave and no cuts on my legs. Good luck and if you have any other ideas send them my way. Bonnie Open RNY 11/04/02 284/154/145 -130
   — Bonnie C.

September 23, 2003
I've always only shaved up to my knee anyway, but if you feel you have to shave your whole leg how about trying waxing? If that isn't good, the other suggestion is with one hand hold your skin up and shave with the other. Or if you have someone who can help you, have them try holding your skin tight while you shave. Other than that I can't think of anything else to suggest. I agree that it probably is that your skin is looser from the weight loss. Hope you can find a solution you're comfortable with. S
   — sherry hedgecock

September 23, 2003
Have you tried Nair recently? I tried it a loooonnnggg time ago when I was a teenager and it did not work for me. Just about 4 months ago, my sister in law asked me if I had ever used it, she said that this is what she used and liked it. Well, me being obese and not really all that good at shaving anymore (too much area to shave and was getting to the point where I could not reach places anymore) I had to try it again. I put it on thick, leave it on for 4 to 5 minutes and get in the shower and wash it off with a wash rag. Works like a charm. I don't know if it is healthy or not, but it works!
   — Cindy T.

September 23, 2003
Sorry, I guess I should have read the entire question before I posted!!!! :-(
   — Cindy T.

September 23, 2003
I normally shave my legs in the tub. If you pull the skin up and hold it with one hand, you make it tight and smooth and then can get a clean shave.
   — Patty H.

September 24, 2003
Don't have the leg problem, however, I do have the underarm pit problem. There is an area under both arms that I just can NOT get to. It is extremely awkward and difficult. In order to get this ridge area along my tendon, I actually have to use the same hand as the pit and use the opposite hand to hold the skin out of the way. I have to do this out of the shower in front of my mirror. I still can not always get it all. Just wanted you to know that you are not alone in your shaving dilemma. Shelley
   — Shelley.

September 24, 2003
If you can lay back in a bathtub full of water, raise your leg toward the ceiling, gravity will make the skin from your ankle to the mid thigh smooth enough to shave. The excess skin will all be at the top of your thigh. Now to do the top of the thigh, stand up, the skin will settle down toward the knee. Shave the inner thigh in front of a mirror in good light. Works for me.
   — mary ann T.

September 24, 2003
Buy a MAN'S electric norelco shaver for the face witht he 3 floating heads about $40. Give it to your honey for Christmas. Kill two birds with one stone so to speak. The shaves don't last as long but you can do it watching Wheel of Fortune. Lady shavers are pieces of s*#% wouldn't use one if it was given to me but the guys do OK.
   — Rebecca K.

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