Are there any ways that I can boost my metabolism?

Can you boost it by eating certain foods or exercise?    — Trin2rilax Cheryl McCoy (posted on September 23, 2003)

September 22, 2003
Trin, From what I have learned and experienced the answer is yes. Eliminating carbs and increasing protein will boost your metabolism. Also consistent exercise (as little as 20 minutes non-stop) will also help kick start your metabolism. You will lose more weight with exercise than without. Hope this helps.
   — Ann B.

September 22, 2003

   — Jazzy

September 22, 2003
Because muscle burns more calories than fat, even at rest, anything you do to increase your lean mass will boost your metabolism, so exercise of any kind will help, but muscle-building exercise will help more.
   — Vespa R.

September 23, 2003
Excercise, walking, biking, jogging, or using equipment. Just a few minutes a day will increase it, and sooner than you think you will be adjusting the routine of excercise into your daily schedule and will benefit tremendously rom it and learn to love it!
   — Lynda T.

September 23, 2003
Actually, the <b>best</b> way to boost your metabolism is to do strength training exercises three times a week. This is a known and proven fact. Of course, <u>any</u> exercise you do raises your metabolism, but the difference between walking or other aerobic activity and strength training is aerobic activity raises your metabolism ONLY when you're <b>doing</b> the activity. Strength training raises your metabolism <b>24 hours a day</b>! Why? When you regularly engage in strength training exercises (three times a week), you rapidly increase your <b>lean muscle mass</b>, which increases your metabolism significantly because <u>muscle requires more calories to maintain than fat</u>. Remember, you don't need to go to a gym to do strength training exercises; about all you really need are 2 and 5 pound dumbells and your body! If you're interested in finding out more about what type of exercises you can do w/out setting foot in a gym, go to my profile and shoot me an email. Good luck with whatever you decide! <i>OPEN RNY (proximal), 7/7/03; 227/185/132
   — sweetmana

September 23, 2003
I just received a fitness newsletter on this very question. The top seven tips given were -Weight Training using resistance (free weights or machines)at least three days a week. -Aerobic exercise EVERYDAY at least 20 minutes and preferably in the mornings. -Eat a breakfast EVERYDAY (I have a hearty protein shake in the morning). -1,200 Calories a day (okay we don't all have to aspire to this one = ) -Walking 10-30 minutes daily in addition to aerobic exercise (on your lunch break or a quick trip around the block in the evenings) -Be active, search for ways to do more (push mow instead of using the rider). -And finally, incorporate interval training into your morning aerobic exercise. This is several short bursts (30 seconds to 2 minutes) of heavy exertion then 2-3 minute periods of light work to catch your breath. It seems like a lot of work but I tell you they seem to do it for me! Best wishes in your workout, Sarah. 284/173/145
   — Sarah V.

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