I am 7 days post-op and have a hard time burping

I can't seem to burp the Dr. said that this is common because the band is tight. Has anyone experienced this And what can be done to relieve this. Also where my port is protruding is this swelling will it go down as it heals thank you for your input    — Nazarene D. (posted on September 22, 2003)

September 23, 2003
Hi there! I didn't have the same surgery as you, but I've always had a hard time burping. I find that if I feel I need to burp, I take my fist and gently pound on my chest (kind of like you do on a baby's back). If you are uncomfortable, maybe have someone else pound your back like you would a baby. I'm 3 years out, and once you are healed you can try this: I found this out quite by accident. I was feeling the need to burp and I went down the stairs to the basement. I go rather quickly, and found that it dislodged some of that air/gas. Occasionally when I drink carbonated beverages I get this feeling. I just run down the stairs a couple times and almost always this dislodges it. Good luck to you!
   — Lynette B.

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