Why do I feel like an emotional train wreck???

Hey, y'all. I got my approval for the surgery yesterday and have been scheduled to undergo my surgery next Thursday, the 25th. I feel like I've done the research and I've weighed the pros and cons. I am very confident in my decision. So this post has nothing to do with whether or not surgery is the best decision for me. (That's just to inform y'all there's some happy stuff in my life right now!) However, I've been sort of sad lately. My hubby is deployed to Iraq, he left 8 months ago and we just recently found out he'll be gone another 8 months. So there's that and also just feeling so out of touch with my family, we live so far apart...and I've always been such a happy person! I dunno what to make of not being able to snap out of this "woe is me" mood! Some days I don't even want to get up and dressed, I am so unmotivated. I don't cry or anything, I just am generally blue and so tired all the time. Should I see my doctor about this or do you all think this is just a cumulation of all the things going on and that I'm just stressed?    — jenn_jenn (posted on September 19, 2003)

September 19, 2003
Jennifer, is there a family support group on base? Or a group of military spouses that you can get involved with?Getting together with other wives and talking about it would probably help. Best wishes. Lisa.
   — LisaHillsinger

September 19, 2003
Jennifer- My surgery date is less than 2 weeks away so I totally understand what you are feeling!!:) For me, I am mourning this body. I've been with it for so long and I've known nothing else. It's been by shell and I'm almost afraid to lose it. But then I think about all the things I will be able to do and that puts a smile on my face. It's normal to have these feelings before surgery. If you have done your research and know what you are in for, then you are set. You could make a "me" day and pamper yourself with a facial or go shopping and buy a 'goal' outfit. Don't forget why you are doing this and you should be fine! I wish you luck on your surgery and try to remember that this is the last Sept. 19th that you'll be obese!!!:)
   — Misty C.

September 19, 2003
Hi Jennifer- It must be hard having your husband away at a time when you could really use his support. I have a friend who is Kuwait and when I think about the (almost) year he's been away from his wife and kids, it's very depressing. Try and visualize how things will be 8 months from now, when hubby returns to a healthier, slim & trim new you :o) Maybe you could fly in a family member for your surgery/recovery since they live far away, or could you fly out to them while you're still off work recovering? Best of luck to you, Jennifer- think positive :o) Mea
   — Mea A.

September 19, 2003
Hey, Sorry you are feeling sodown. I was scared and really shaky before surgery. I am sure your anxiety about having your husband so far away has compounded your nerves and other feelings pre-op. It is normal. Please seek out your friends and family to lean on at this time, and look ahead to see what you will surprise your husband with when he does get home. P.S,---he may not recognize the new you!!!!!!!
   — Fixnmyself

September 19, 2003
Hey Jennifer, Maybe you and Kelly (below) could become e-mail pals, since both of your guys are off overseas. Or you could post a question to ask if there would be any other military family members on here that would like to e-mail or chat together (in chat room). This could be a big help or some support while the guys are away. Maybe you could set something up in a chat room for a specific night or time. Sorry your family isn't close by. Hope this helps some! Becky
   — bufordslipstick

September 20, 2003
Certainly being separated from your husband when he is in a military deployment is stressful, lonely and more than a teensy bit scary....couple that with isolation from family....add a dash of the innate stress coming from anticipation of such a major surgery and potentially life altering event in your life, and my goodness! Who would not be "blue" and depressed? I will be having my own surgery on Tuesday the 25th of this month - if you want, call me on my cell phone at 775-544-4428 just to talk - a buddy can be a lot of help - especially a buddy going through something similar. The other things I have been doing to combat a similar feeling is to engage in preparation for coming home by purchasing what I need, exploring this site and getting things together to go to the hospital with - anything to keep myself focused in the positive direction I'm heading, without getting "stuck" in what's missing...your husband will, I'm sure, be so proud of you for being so courageous in his absence, and he will be so happy that your health will be so much better - and no doubt the two of you will enjoy doing many more things together because you will have so much more energy and will feel so very good. God bless you! You're in my prayers! Good luck - and looking forward to meeting on the other side. Diana.
   — Diana D.

September 20, 2003
heya hun.. sorry ya having such a bad time of it.. it probably wouldnt hurt to see a doc.. *also a military spouse..* its very difficult some times..especially i think with all the changes that we go thru when they are away.. please feel free to email me if you would just like to talk to someone who has been thru similar..huggles n [email protected]
   — johanna F.

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