Has anyone had lower back pain and pelvic area pain on the left side only??

I have a weird pain on the left side underneath my left pelvic bone that hurts all the way through to my lower left back area. It kinda feels like a gas bubble or like something is "full" and about to pop. It is not a constant pain but it comes and goes frequently. I have been to the gyno and they did not find anything.    — Les K. (posted on September 15, 2003)

September 15, 2003
I had similar pains a while back but the pain was very severe and it ended up being a kidney stone. If that was what is wrong though, I am pretty sure you would know it as you cannot be in that much pain and not have something wrong with you.
   — Dawn P.

September 15, 2003
I had the same thing start on wednesday last week, on the right side...went to the doctor and had an ultrsound, it was a kidney stone... I still have it, and like you say, the pain comes and may want to call your primary and request a urinalysis and a renal ultrasound.
   — Kelly B.

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