I have been sick for nearly 24 hours now.

All I can take is my Hydrocodone (15cc) and very small infrequent sips of water. Anything more than that I vomit up clear frothy saliva and some mucous. Any ideas on how to get something else in? I'm afraid I may become dehydrated if I'm not already. Thanks! PS. I paged my Dr. assistant and all she said was to drink water until it passes. Also, after one eppisode of throwing up my JP bulb had about 90 cc of liquid. The liquid looks the same as alway. Thanks for any help you may have    — SJP (posted on September 13, 2003)

September 13, 2003
Could they prescribe you something for nausea, It could be the hydrocodone. Just a thought.... Good Luck!
   — Saxbyd

September 13, 2003
I don't want to alarm you, but I did get dehydrated after being sick like that a little over one month post op. It wasn't even for 24 hours, it was more like 10. I was hospitalized for two or three really long horrible days with IV fluids and potassium and I think magnesium supplements added. My electrolytes were all messed up, and that might have been what brought on the throwing up the foam, or it could have been throwing up so much was the cause of the electrolytes being off. I wouldn't wait to find out if it's "just" nausea or something more serious. If you're still sick, go to the hospital and ask them to run a blood test to see why you've been sick for so long. I didn't get suppositories for nausea from that emergency room visit, but the next time I got sick like that (a month later) I was in FL and that wonderful ER doctor told me she'd write me a prescription in case I got sick like that again. I did use those a few more times (maybe 3?) and that did the trick. Why we're not given something for nausea to start with is beyond me. I never had to go to the hospital again, and then after the third month post op never had any problems with anything. Those two times were the only times I threw up too. I was on a liquid diet the whole time I was hospitalized, so it's probably safest if you don't push solid foods at first once you do start feeling better. It's always better to feel like you wasted the hospital's time than to wait and then have them scold you for waiting so long. Hope you feel better soon. S
   — sherry hedgecock

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