How slow (fast) should I be eating?

On average I'll eat about 1/4 of chicken broth and 1/8 cup sf jello in about 15 minutes. Is that too much, too fast? Or just too much period. thanks!    — SJP (posted on September 13, 2003)

September 12, 2003
Hi, that sounds about right to me...slowing down eating was/is my hardest adjustment. what does your surgeon reccomend? how do you feel? that should be your guidelines. Congrats on your surgery, best wishes for a speedy recovery lap rny 4-9-03 311/222/-89
   — Peg L

September 12, 2003
Let me just say that slowing down eating has been the hardest change for me. I also will tell you that my body lets me know QUICKLY when I eat too much, too fast, or the wrong thing because I will throw up within 5 minutes. You'll know! :)
   — Cheryl M.

September 13, 2003
Your body will tell you when its too fast, trust me on that! Especially when you start eating regular food. Its always good in the beginning to go slow and listen to what your body is telling you.
   — Cindy R.

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