calorie count. hyperthyroid.?
I am beginning to wonder if I am doing something wrong. I am two months out (as of yesterday) and I am down 64.5 pounds (as of this morning). I keep track of my diet (very strictly at that) on and it appears that I am hardly bringing in 400 calories a day. 200 of these calories are from my protein shake (which has 40g of protein). my carbs are under 30. I am losing weight on a daily basis (one plateau at 4 weeks and it lasted about a week -- then I lost 10 pounds!). I am drinking about 3 liters of water a day. I exercise 3 days a week plus some strength training. ok, so now you ask: well, what is the problem? I feel terrible. I can hardly sleep (and I never had a sleeping problem.. I was one of those people who could put their head down on a pillow and ten seconds later --*poOf* asleep!), I sweat like it is mid-august in Texas (and I currently live in Norway!), I really have to force myself to eat, and oh, I am exhausted. I get a good 4 hours a day that I do not feel like death warmed over. my pre-op blood worked showed I was hyperthyroid (which I have not yet been medicated for). is it my imagination or am I paying too high of a price for weight loss? or I am just doing something wrong? — Melinda D. (posted on September 12, 2003)
September 12, 2003
Several thoughts: <P>I agree with the previous poster that your
calorie intake is too low. Four hundred calories a day at two months out
is half of what I'd expect you to be consuming by now, especially since
half your calories come from a single protein shake. You need to up your
calorie intake ASAP.<P>Most protein shake manufacturers will tell you
that 30 grams of protein per serving is the most protein that people with
"normal" stomachs can absorb in one sitting. (Why some of them
sell drinks with more protein than anyone can absorb per serving is beyond
me ... well, no it isn't, it's like any other game manufacturers play with
labels, isn't it?). Anyway, the point is, you may be getting only 30 grams
of protein out of that shake. Adjust your intake accordingly (maybe do two
shakes a day, at least).<P>(3) Get thee to a doctor, ASAP, and follow
up on the hyperthyroidism. It's nothing to play with, and it can take a
couple of months (minimum) to get you on the proper doseage of thyroid
medication to correct the problem (assuming you have one -- it takes
monitoring to see). Don't assume the WLS will automatically correct a
thyroid malfunction. Hyperthyroidism can cause a host of side effects (and
it's not good for your heart, either), including sleep disturbance. Please
do check it out with your doc right away!
— Suzy C.
September 12, 2003
Make an appointment to see an endocrindologist for treatment of your
thyroid and check to see if you need to make any type of adjustments in
your current food plan.
Good Luck
— Aynikaye
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