
I had my WLS on 4-16-03 and i still have bruses on the side of my stomach were they was giving me the blood thinner shots has this happen to anyone else?    — wildbrat (posted on September 10, 2003)

September 10, 2003
yes i also had surgery on april 9th and it took a while for the bruises to fade...but they gets lighter and lighter...i have to look hard to see them dr. told me when you rub the makes the bruise worst...just don't touch it..only when will go away...i hope this helps....
   — angela-thomas

September 10, 2003
How much iron of what kind are you taking? How much vit C?
   — vitalady

September 10, 2003
Yes, this happened to me as well. You have rubbed the site where they injected the needle. As posted earlier, the bruising will fade with time.
   — Mabel W.

September 10, 2003
One of the nurses while I was in the hospital told me that I'd have the bruises for a long time. She said the bruising is less if the heparin shots are given at a 45 degree angle and yes, the ones she gave me were the first bruises to leave. The other ones stayed for months and a couple of them, I can still see a faint tinge of discoloration of where they were on my leg and I'm over a year post-op. That nice nurse that did the shots at a 45 degree angle--well the bruises from those shots are completely gone.
   — Cathy S.

September 11, 2003
This is very common, and, in many people, it makes no difference at what angle the needle in inserted, they still bruise. It's no big deal and they will fade. It is not the result of anyone's poor technique. Some people also bruise easier when given the shots than others.
   — koogy

September 11, 2003
I had my surgery 2/11/03. I still have the bruises from those shots on my arms. They are lighter. They now look more like large birth marks ....about the size of a fist.
   — hooterzgirl75

September 12, 2003
My surgery was over 4 motnhs ago, and I still have the Heprin (sp?) brusies.
   — Brandee W.

September 12, 2003
Susan: I was just repeating what the nurse told me. And with her technique, the bruises from her shots went away first, so that was my experience. No need to say what you did.
   — Cathy S.

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