Dumb question really want an answer

I am waiting on a surgery date.And all this time I thought dumping was just losing something you ate that doesnt agree with you or shouldnt have had to begin with. Now I am reading post that suggest there is so much more to dumping that I havent been told.DOes anyone care to enlighten me?    — loisph (posted on September 7, 2003)

September 7, 2003
When i have dumped b-4 i got very weak and my heart was pounding very hard.Sweat was pouring off of me.I had to lay down with fan on high blowing on me for about 45mins then it went away and i was ok. I ave not had it happen to many times thank God for that cause it is not fun at all.Hope this helps
   — wildbrat

September 7, 2003
Dumping may produce the symptoms as decribed by the previous poster. It can be caused by foods that disagree with you, most often, those high in sugar, carbs and sometimes fat. What may make one person dump may be fine for another. Some of us post ops don't dump at all.
   — Fixnmyself

September 7, 2003
when I have dumped i was cold, sweaty, so exausted I couldn't even walk up the stairs to my bedroom. I felt just awful, diahrhea kicked in about 20-30 minutes later. I have had milder occasions where I felt a little nauseous and got diarhea. however it as been very rare. Usually on things with too much fat. It kind of catches me by surprise because It happened when I ate something I thought would be ok.
   — **willow**

September 7, 2003
Dumping comes in two forms to is feeling really really bad, I break out in a cold sweat, then start getting hot, my stomache just aches for about thirty minutes and then it's all the sudden gone. My other dumping is eating something I know I shouldn't have and I have all the above symptoms and them BAM, diarhea hits and it's not fun and it usually lasts for about an hour, until it's all gone out of my system. I can't eat greasy foods, anything will alot of sugar and I can't eat the same meal twice in a row or two days in a row. So with me, it's not eating something that doesn't agree with me, I have the first symptoms at least once a day after a meal, no matter what I eat.
   — Leslie G.

September 8, 2003
Lois, everyone has the right description for dumping, its just no fun at all. Think of it as THE best deterrent for us to be going back ever ever ever to our old life of taking in lots of refined carbs--sugars, white flour, starchy vegetables, all the stuff that's part of the old life. (True, sometimes dumping happens "just cuz" but its pretty rare...)
   — Deborah M.

September 8, 2003
Here is a good "dumping" explanation...."I would kill for a krispy kreme donut but I wouldn't dump for one" =)
   — jennifer A.

September 9, 2003
I just had to add my 2 cents worth to the post directly below. My surgeon told me that he went to an bariatric surgery conference at a hotel attended by surgeons as well as post-ops. Of course, with any hotel-organized affair, there was hot-and-cold running food. The running joke among the postops was that if a food was really, really good, it was termed "dumpworthy" (think of "Seinfeld"), meaning that it was so good, it was worth the dumping experience! Seriously though.....I wouldn't recommend trying the theory out!
   — Joyce C.

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